It is possible to TEND the forests if you are of a profession associated with the woodlands: the druids or animists, or the rangers specifically. To perform a tending you must stand in one of the locations associated with an ancient woodland: typing SURVEY will reveal whether where you stand is or is not suitable. Then type TEND FORESTS and you will perform a circle of the ancient woodland, location by location.
This will serve a few purposes, depending on your stature in the land. If you are an apprentice, you will gain forest affinity, likewise if you are guildmaster or guildmistress or guild elder, you will not only gain forest affinity but you will also benefit from the broad 'active altruism' affinity bonus each Avalon timezone you tend. NOTE: some forests need to be tended high in the treetops so be careful if you are in a physically larger form (e..g. tree or bear) - you may find yourself unable to complete the tending circuit as you tumble to the ground, branches snapping beneath you...
Tending has various practical benefits, for the forestland and the trees in each location you pass through. It allows you to perceive dangers, like forest fires, and enables you to minister to hostile trees (to calm them) and replenish the potency of forest carvings whittled by fellow forest-dwellers. The latter is a particular symbiosis twixt the two naturalist professions. Those tending the forests will find their own senses much enhanced while the act is ongoing, allowing awareness to expand to include aspects of the entire forestland and skies above.
NOTE: the gain in forest affinity is much augmented if you tend in company. To do this, begin your tending at the same time as a friend or as many friends as possible. The more of you beginning and concluding your woodland tending at the same time, the greater the benefit. WARNING: forest affinity is intended as a gauge of your sincere commitment to the woodland - and the trust of the forests should not be toyed with. Tending the forests means just that: looking after the well-being, security and sanctity of the ancient woodlands. Abuse that mandate and the trees will not look kindly on you - they care not for those of acquisitive, cynical motivation.
If you are aspirant Animism or Sylvan Lore specialist then tending will gain you aggregated woodland affinity at the cost of lessons - as if employing them in the pursuit of your specialisation skill. You should read HELP ANIMISM or HELP SYLVAN for details since the tending functions in a unique fashion in these instances.