Quests are one of the most profitable ways of expanding your experience of Avalon, of encountering new places and witnessing wondrous happenings. There are four different types of quests which you will be able to perform in Avalon.
The City Quests are given out by the monarch of your city (Thandrades of Mercinae, Augustine of Parrius, Athelstone of Silverfalls, and Periam of Thakria) when you type REQUEST QUEST in their presence. City quests are given out according to your level, and every few levels has a number of city quests to test your progress. They are extremely valuable and you should always endeavour to perform regular city quests.
All guilds have a stock number of significant quests - bringing experience, lessons and often crowns - known as professional HONOURS and these are given out, when the time is right, by the designated CCC guild tutors. You will need to have completed your badges and/or apprenticeship to become eligible for professional honours. You will be able to gain an honour quest by typing REQUEST HONOUR in the presence of guild CCC tutor, per HELP TUTORS. See HELP HONOURS for detailed info.
General quests are given out by most of the Computer Controlled characters, and a wide number of the unnamed creatues of the land when you GREET them (for example, GREET GRAGNOR). They vary enormously in difficulty and reward, and it is up to you to decide which quests to perform and when to ignore. You do not need to accept any quests given via this method, and success is usually determined by a specific deed or by returning an item requested. The fourth type of quest is the Avalon-wide quest, usually involving a large number of players and resulting in worldwide effects. These quests are irregular and tend to be quite involved. They can last for a couple of hours. Rewards are great and you should always keep half an eye open for unusual occurences which may hint at some great quest commencing.
Additionally there are thousands of quests available to senior standing citizens or guildmembers, any of which can be given out to junior/middling members of Avaloni society. Ask your guildmaster or elders, members of your government or higher nobility, those in exhalted positions about the land and see if they can bestow quests upon you. Or you may choose to beg a quest from a CCC by typing QUEST FROM followed by the CCC name, e..g. QUEST FROM IORWENN. If they offer you a quest, type ACCEPT to take it on (permanently) and seek to perform it, duly gaining experience and often gold... and in doing so, learn more of the secrets of the land.
If you find the quest too difficult you may type FAIL followed by the questname. Admitting failure has a modest cost in experience. If you have been declared successful then you type SUCCESS followed by the questname to publish your success (e..g. SUCCESS BANDITSLAYER) and claim your reward (experience and sometimes gold coins). Type REMEMBER (or REM) at any time to review those quests you have outstanding on your adventuring rollcall and finally you may type MEMORIES to gain a list of those experience quests you've successfully gained against your character.
See also HELP HONOURS and HELP XPQUESTS for further information on specific types of quests you may wish to further explore. Check out HELP EXPERIENCES and HELP MOSAIC for a world of quests and other exploits to chase down and cast your eye over CHELP (your own city's help files, written by players) and look out for anything quest related.