This content will be a list of the factors influencing the LOSS to investments in crowns or in one of the four city currencies (Mercinaen shilling, Silverfallian florin, Thakrian ducat and Parrian doubloon).
loss of SOI territory,
novice and scholar abandoning course,
apprentices lost to foreign guilds,
citizens lost to other cities,
city wealth lost or stolen,
city building locks picked or "burgled",
city resources or stockrooms decreased,
challenges lost by citizens,
attack rating lost by citizens,
defeat of legions on the battlefield,
enlistable men lost to bribery on home soil,
enlistable man slain on home soil,
occupation or conquest broken in towns or villages,
gauntlets failed or sabotaged,
tax bills outstanding unpaid by citizens,
baronial disfavour issued to citizens,
divine globe depleted to zero power,
hostile globestave presence inside home soil,
foreign city success in gem quests or quizzes,
citizens present abstaining mass from Cardinal,
trees or meadows felled or barren,
days of absence of ministers and barons and Prince, Cardinal and Prime Minister,
city patron days absent or dormant,
citizen body offered to non city patron,
city title stripped by Princely mandate,
city enemies present unmolested publicly in the home city
forest soulmate position lost
citizen elder status removed
loss of paradigm status
demotions within city military,
citizens castout or demoted within divine order,
public disfavour from the Gods for citizens,
city patron statue destroyed on home soil,
dragon of sapience employed by foreign city,
death of citizens by city enemies on home soil,
light shield broken,
erosion of city seeing stone sphere of control,
failed challenges by citizens against matched targets,
fortifications eroded or attacked within the home sphere,
fortifications attacked or eroded within the home city gate,
elemental roots laid by city enemies in home city,
ethereal control expanded by city enemy into home city,
buildings deconstructed within home city,
livestock or animals slain or left to die within home city,
home sphere fields plagued by skymaster rains,
crops within home sphere fields harvested by foreign citizens,