Avalon has been "inhabited" by its players for many decades (in 'real world' terms) and many centuries of the Avalon calendar. The first Avalonian "newborn" came into the city of Alqualonde (Mercinae) in the year 800. Avalon's calendar marks time from the Divine War, a legendary event shortended to "aDW" on Avalon dates, so 1250 aDW means 1250 years after the Divine War.
Mercinae was Avalon's first player-populated city and initially it encompassed all player types, all alignments, all outlooks. This was not intended to last and soon a schism occurred - naturally but also 'as per design' - where those wanting to kill (and dominate others) left Mercinae to found Thakria. This created the modern dichotomy as it stands between Mercinae and Thakria. The addition of Parrius as "city of freedom" completed the original trinity. Springdale and Silverfalls are not part of the founding design but nonetheless both have a distinct idealism and culture.
Began as Alqualonde as Avalon's first modern era city, populated by the refugees from ruined Ilmarael (a city destroyed in the Divine War). Named Mycenae briefly in honour of the Classical allusions found throughout the city but then updated to Mercinae in the 9th Century.
Mercinae is the "good" city. Its founding ideals are all about Justice and Light and Altruism and fighting those who would seek to murder, or spread evil and darkness. Mercinae exists to protect the weak from the strong wheresoever it may be required. Mercinae is a city of peace over war, of striving to make all Avalonians live in a just and illuminated state of fellowship.
Named Thebes for a time, after its creation, as a counterpoint to Mycenae but was retitled Thakria by its Sorcerer founders by the time the first Thakria-born citizens had come of age.
Began its existence as Pyraeus for a short time, following the precedent of the Greek city-names but was Parrius before its founder had handed the reigns to the first generation of Parrian-born citizens once they came of age.
In a world split between good and evil, light and dark, the stark choice between Mercinaen or Thakrian ideals the creation of Parrius filled a clear need: somewhere for those who believed in the individual as shades of good and evil, for those whose did not want to be tied to Light or Dark but instead believed in the three timeless ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. In Parrius all Parrians would be free. In Parrius all Parrians would be equal. In Parrius all Parrians would be brothers and sisters - and therein lies the rub, for the pirate does not suffer his brother to go into any fight alone.
The old rule of thumb is simple: in Thakria it takes but few to bring the city willingly to the field of conquest, in Mercinae it takes a united majority to bring its people to battle but in Parrius it needs just one to start a war.
The most abhorrent trait in early Avalon life is moral cowardice and the cities are well-defined precisely to encourage juniors to make a genuine choice that fits their character. Do not be Thakrian if you do not seek to dominate and subjegate. Do not be Mercinaen if you will not take the fight to those who stand against justice and light and goodness. Be not Parrian unless you place individualism and freedom as rights to be protected.
Mercinae of Justice, Light, Good and Altruism. Thakria of Relentless Excellence, Passion, Evil, and Domination. Parrius of Freedom, Individualism, Fraternity and Equality.