It is worth clarifying the distinction in Avalon between those who can be considered part of the cut-and-thrust of the land, and those still too young to have fully acclimatised themselves to the unique and sometimes extreme world they have stumbled into. Regardless of alignment, citizenship, divine belief, or guild, those youngsters must be treated with care and special attention. It is the duty of all Avalonians to give at least some thought to embellishing the early lives of the very young, and integrating them into whichever facet of the world you or they choose. Type LW or LITTLEWHO to see a list of those that the Gods consider part of this 'youngster' category.
In practice, what this distinction should affect, in all cases, is the manner of treatment of the youngsters. Grand gestures, lucid explanation of your motivations and reasons behind your actions, especially if you are an enemy to their chosen path. A powerful sorcerer has every right to scare a young mage, but should do so with maximum drama and be conscious not to overwhelm. There comes a point, reasonably early in every Avalon player's career that they cross the line between roaming around unsure of their surroundings and their future, and being set on their chosen path in the land. Be aware of that distinction. Nurture the young, it is the duty of all Avalonians, because when they reach adulthood, they will come to realise that in Avalon, there is no safe path.