You can invest your money - gold coins or AVALON CROWNS - in any of the land's banks. All four cities have one, as does Gant (with a branch in Archangel) and sometimes Oakwood End. See HELP BANKS for info on the gold coin and bank accounts as these are part of and subject to the ups and downs of the Avalon economy (and the location of the bank chosen) while CROWNS are purchased with real money, fully protected and logged against individual characters.
No matter where you invest CROWNS, the investment is protected and the account is central and private.
Syntax: MONEY.
Shows you how many CROWNS you are holding, how many you have invested, as well as the proportions of gifted crowns versus bought crowns.
Syntax: INVEST <number> CROWNS.
Places your CROWNS into your private bank account.
Syntax: WITHDRAW <number> CROWNS.
Withdraws your CROWNS from your private bank account.
Crowns cannot be stolen from you in any way. See HELP TRANSFER for info on transferring crowns between investment bank accounts and HELP CROWNS for fundamentals on the use of Avalon's microcurrency: the CROWN.