Avalon has a number of hard currencies and these are separate from the gold coin which is an entirely in-game in-role coin. Hard currency has value based, ultimately, on the fact it has at points been purchased using real-world money and has an exchange rate with the CROWN as Avalon's bridge between the US dollar, UK pound, euro, yen and 'real world currencies' and the coinage of the Avalon royal mints: the Mercinaen shilling, the Thakrian ducat, the Silverfallian florin and the Parrian doubloon.
Syntax: MONEY.
Tells you about the hard currency coinage used in Avalon and the exchange rate and interest rates presently enjoyed by the various city-state banks.
Avalon hard currency CROWNS can be used to purchase lessons, gold, trinkets and services from the curiosity shop. Purchasing lessons is documented in HELP PROCURE. Buying microservices info is in HELP MICRO. The concept of trinkets and how to avail yourself of one of these artifacts is documented in HELP TRINKETS and an overview of everything is in HELP SHOPPING. See also HELP PAYING to close the circle of knowledge on real-world payments and in-game Avalon crowns.
Crowns cannot be stolen or mislaid or interfered with in any way.
They can be invested in banks, in a private and inviolate account, and transferred to and from other people's accounts by mutual agreement. See HELP INVEST and HELP TRANSFER for info on this.