Avalon has FIVE meta-games, each inter-dependant and either developed or in-development to such a point you could play just one and find its diversity and demands on your skill more than is found in the entire design of most other games.
ONE: Combat - PvP and PvE
TWO: Warfare - Battlefield and Strategy
THREE: Politics - Society and Diplomacy
FOUR: Wealth - Economics, Trade, and Crafting
FIVE: Adventure - Mosaic and Quests
Everyone, in reality, is playing multiple meta-games as a character grows and explores and interacts with the world. There is no need for you to think of Avalon in terms of the five meta-games but those interested in its unique design, especially those keen enough and imaginative enough to contribute to its evolution, should think of the place in the meta when making submissions/suggestions. The best submissions may manifest in one meta-game but will spread their roots into all the others.
See HELP GAME for more insight on Avalon and its unique meta-gaming design.