I'm not going to tell you how to cure pessimism, which demons to kill first, what poison does what and how to counter them, how to get mages out of rituals or ways of avoiding traps. I'm not going to lay out the underlying system for you -- not only because I would be ruining the pleasure of finding out for yourself, but because you wouldn't remember. The fact you wouldn't remember has nothing to do with your prowess as a fighter or how good a memory you have. It is the nature of combat in Avalon for it to be intuitive, reactive, based on your wits. I cannot teach you wits and I'd be a poor teacher to give you facts with the hope that through the facts you'd see the philosophy of fighting.
Instead, I'm going to tell you the methods to avoid and to use, the attitudes towards fighting which are most effective and the principles of combat which cannot be learned by any other means but by being taught. It is much more valuable and will last you much longer than a quick tip on reducing damage from a Knight. It will make you independent and, in time, a fierce adversary.
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