Triggers are reactions or commands sent in response to specific conditions (e..g.. an affliction or loss of a defence) or a certain identifiable text (e..g. the description you get when some life-threatening danger is nigh). Triggers are available to all tier subscribers but given their system load, it is advised they are used judiciously.
You need to type TRIGGERS ON to activate the Avalon triggers system for your character and TRIGGERS OFF disables all triggers and reactions, OFF being the default state.
Gives you a summary list of all your defined triggers, with label and primary response/command.
Syntax: TRIGGER ON/OFF <trigger>/<label>.
Much of the time you probably won't want all your triggers reacting to things happening to you or around you. So you can switch them on and off easily using TRIGGER ON to activate, TRIGGER OFF to suspend. You can TRIGGER ON/OFF followed by the trigger name to activate or disable just that one, or TRIGGER ON/OFF followed by a label to switch on/off all triggers sharing the label.
Syntax: TRIGGER LABEL <trigger> <label> or TRIGGER LABEL <trigger> X.
You can give labels to your triggers and most give the same label to all triggers of a certain type (e..g. mydefences, frontline, warfare). This allows you to deal with large numbers of triggers by breaking them down into the label categories. You can have as many labels as you like. You can give up to six labels to any one trigger, thus creating your own 'tree' of trigger settings. If you issue the TRIGGER LABEL command with an X at the end, instead of a label name, the trigger's labels will be removed. Labels should be single short-ish words. You can type LABELS to see all your labels for settings, including aliases and triggers.
Syntax: TRIGGER LIST and TRIGGER LIST <text> and TRIGGER LIST BY <label>.
This is your expanded list command. It lists out your triggers with their labels, current state (active are highlighted, disabled are faded out) and the trigger name and reaction/command responses. TRIGGER LIST on its own shows all your triggers. TRIGGER LIST BY <label> shows only the triggers given the specified label or sharing that label (though it may have other labels too). TRIGGER LIST <text> only lists triggers matching the text somewhere so if you do TRIGGER LIST GRIN you'll only see triggers with 'grin' in the name or reaction/response commands.
Setting up triggers is most commonly done by pegging the trigger to an affliction or a defence or a state of being you wish to keep up or cure or send command(s) to quickly react. You may have experience with triggers on regular clients where you have to fish out a piece of text that matches the affliction or loss of defence you want to reverse. Avalon triggers can work this way but may also be used more directly, by naming the trigger by the affliction, defence, state, action, cooldown, etc. This method means the trigger reacts - for example - to the affliction striking you, not to text received or parsing of self-diagnosis. It ensures these triggers are ZERO lag. Triggers are heavy on system load so are only available to tier subscribers.
Gives you a list of all the afflictions and defences and character states you can use, along with the single word <name> to call the trigger when defining it. This <name> must be consistent with the actual affliction or defence or state else the trigger won't be pegged correctly and may instead look for text containing whatever word(s) you have specified: not what you want.
Syntax: TRIGGER <affliction> = <response>.
Syntax: TRIGGER <defence> = <response>.
Syntax: TRIGGER <state> = <response>.
Creating or editing your triggers is fairly easy. You just need to specify the affliction, defence, character state corresponding to what you'd like to trigger and then the equals sign, and then the <response>. Response can be an Avalon command or an alias, to allow commands separated by // or including variables, pauses, targets and all as explained in HELP ALIAS and HELP INPUT.
There are some special <response> codes you can use in triggers. The codes listed below you put directly in place of <response> in the above syntax, e..g. TRIGGER ANOREXIA = !!! or any of:
!!!! or !!! or !! Three types of alert, from very loud to more subtle as you use less exclaimations.
<affliction> The name of the affliction as listed in TRIGGER AFFLICTIONS.
<defence> Name of the defence to restore as listed in TRIGGER DEFENCES.
<state> Name of the character state as listed in TRIGGER STATES.
<alias> Include the alias from your ALIAS LIST and it will be triggered as response.
Syntax: TRIGGER <condition> = <response>.
The above trigger settings are pinpointed against specific occurrences to your character like being hit by an affliction or losing a defence. The response can be a command, an alias for multiple commands or a reference to a special <response> like "health" to address health loss, "allheale" to perform allhealing, etc.
Syntax: TRIGGER <name> X.
Placing the X directly after the named trigger deletes it from your settings list.
Triggers form one facet of your character's settings. Avalon settings also include macros, aliases, variables, targets, conditions and highlights/gagging. The Avalon settings package is intended to give all players the equivalent benefits enjoyed by those with specialised clients coded with systems to manage their character's combat and capabilities. Avalon's server settings have a few advantages: no lag, never lost, always up to date, potential for sharing with others, city/guild/fellowship/riend content exchanges, variables set by Avalon itself so always accurate, triggers set off by real state of your character rather than fishing for text or parsing mutable text, consistency over all platforms and clients/browsers (i..e. doesn't matter how you connect to Avalon, your settings can be fully used), and 'load' burden taken up by the server and not slowing your computer, phone or tablet. Many clients grind to a halt under burden of a complex system.
The TRIGGER commands described below are used for saving, loading and sharing trigger settings using the "cache". Everyone has a private, shared and public cache. Private is for you alone. Shared is for you and those you allow access. Public is your space that's open to everyone. Your "cache" can store any settings: triggers, macros, aliases, etc. It can also store logs, fight records, notes, screenshots and various other things. The "cache" is detailed in HELP CACHE. Below is a summary of the TRIGGER commands for cache use but it is exactly the same set of options as for aliases and macros:
Syntax: LABELS.
Type this to see the labels you have active across all your settings including aliases and triggers. It will include a count of label use and consolidate defunct labels. Remember you can have many labels for an individual trigger or alias.
Syntax: TRIGGER SAVE ALL/<label>.
Save all your triggers or just those with the <label> specified, into your private cache.
Syntax: TRIGGER LOAD ALL/<label>.
Load all or label-match triggers from your private cache.
Syntax: TRIGGER SHARE <label> [<who can access>].
Moves the specified label trigger content into your shared cache and defines who can access: guild, city, friends, order, fellowship.
Syntax: TRIGGER PRIVATE <label>.
Places the triggers matching the label back into your private cache so only you can access.
Syntax: TRIGGER PUBLIC <label>.
Copies the triggers matching the label specified into the public cache so it is possible for everyone to access the content.
Syntax: TRIGGER DIR [<cache>].
Gives you a contents list of all saved triggers in your private cache, or in public or shared cache accessible to you.
Syntax: TRIGGER PUBLISH <label> [<cache>].
Publishes the triggers matching the specified label into one of the group caches, like Mages for the Mages Guild or Silverfalls for the citizens of Silverfalls.
Syntax: TRIGGER DELETE <label> [<cache>].
Deletes the triggers matching the label from the published cache or from your private, shared or public cache.
Wipes ALL the contents of your triggers and all triggers defined to date - though not the triggers saved into your cache. Use this command with great care!