Variables are easily altered content imbedded in Avalon aliases using the @ letter followed by the name of the variable. They can also be placed in Avalon internal macros (see HELP MACROS).
Syntax: VARS.
Shows you all the variables you have currently active. This includes presets ( HELP PRESETS) and the professional automatic presets or autosets and the ones you define yourself.
Variables are referred to in aliases or input line using @ followed by the variable name, e..g. @flurble if your variable name was flurble. You do not include the @ when defining variable content using the VV or VAR commands.
You can use variables, targets, macros and aliases in your normal input - directly - by referring to them as @<variable> :<macro number> &<alias name> !<target number> so if you typed @k !1 and your variable "k" was set to "throttle" and your target 1 was set to your current enemy, it would throttle that enemy. Easier still would be to have your alias k set to @kill !1 ensuring your "kill" variable was set to your current preferred kill command and !1 always your current target. Then every time you type k, you wallop your opponent.
Syntax: VV <variable> <content>
Omit the equals sign and specify the variable name and you will define the actual content of the variable, e..g. VAR flurble say hello there - would set @flurble variable to 'say hello there' so whenever you had @flurble in your alias it would be parsed as say hello there instead.
Syntax: VV <variable> = X
Use this to wipe an existing variable.
Syntax: VAR <variable name>/<number> = <new variable name>
This sets the actual variable name to the content you specify or renames an existing variable. Examples: VAR 1 = flibble would make a variable called flibble. VAR flibble = flurble would change that same variable to be called flurble.
NOTE: use VV as a single command for all your variable stuff. VV on its own lists your variables, VV <variable> = <new variable name> would set a variable name, VV <variable> <content> would define that variable's content and make a new variable for this content if needed.