17.1ConstitutionThe core-skill of Constitution.
17.2DefenceThe core-skill of Defence.
17.3FisticuffsThe core skill of Fisticuffs.
17.4PerceptionThe core skill of Perception.
17.5ScholarshipThe core skill of Scholarship.
17.6FarmingThe economic skill of Farming.
17.7LaboursThe economic skill of Labours.
17.8ItemloreThe academic skill of Itemlore.
17.9RidingThe academic skill of Riding.
17.10SurvivalThe academic skill of Survival.
17.11SwordplayThe academic skill of Swordplay.
17.12AlchemyThe skill of Alchemy.
17.13ArcanaArcane lore from bygone ages.
17.14CandescenceThe skill of Candescence.
17.15CharmingThe skill of Charming.
17.16ChivalryThe skill of Chivalry.
17.17DemonologyThe skill of Demonology.
17.18DramaticsThe skill of Dramatics.
17.19ElixirsThe skill of Elixirs.
17.20EnduranceThe skill of Endurance.
17.21EvocationThe skill of Evocation.
17.22FarsightThe skill of Farsight.
17.23FatalismThe skill of Fatalism.
17.24ForestryThe skill of Forestry.
17.25ForgingThe skill of Forging.
17.26HealingThe skill of Healing.
17.27HerbsThe skill of Herbs.
17.28MusicThe skill of Music.
17.29MysticismThe skill of Mysticism.
17.30NaturalismThe skill of Naturalism.
17.31NecromancyThe skill of Necromancy.
17.32PoisonThe skill of Poisons.
17.33RitualsThe skill of Rituals.
17.34RunesThe skill of Runes.
17.35SongsThe skill of Songs.
17.36SpiritualismThe skill of Spiritualism.
17.37StealthThe skill of Stealth.
17.38ThieveryThe skill of Thievery.
17.39TrappingThe skill of Trapping.
17.40VoiceThe skill of Voice.
17.41WarcraftThe skill of Warcraft.
17.42WeaponryThe skill of Weaponry.