Runes are also fashioned by members of the Alchemists, Artisans, Craftmasters or Loremasters Guild. They are usually attached to items to give them protection or extra powers. They can be left on the ground to effect passers-by or, most effectively, attached to a rune stave or totem and form cumulative effects. Runes are activated by being seen, or touched. Harmful runes will only affect those designated as targets for the rune by its owner; and even then will also be restricted by the status of the owner (e..g. a pacifist creator cannot easily make harmful runes to affect enemies). Harmful runes ought never to harm their creator, unless deliberately activated.
You could also deliberately activate a rune by typing ACTIVATE <rune>. You can cause others to be affected by your runes by showing them - type SHOW followed by the rune, followed by the player you wish to show it too. It is possible to avoid seeing most runes by being blind - though you would need a potion of innersight of the herb of ucklice to enhance your senses sufficiently to overcome the obvious perils of wandering around blind. Members of the Loremaster profession can affect the sequence of prominence of a rune - the number of prominence is shown in RUNELIST or PROBE (with enough Itemlore). This number determines the priority of execution of runes, as one might use in an order of revelation on a rune stave.
Anchor Protective rune for helping to keep your items safe.
Flower Rune to aid your gardens and herbs/poison growth.
Hook Rune to attach to items to allow you to retrieve them from afar.
Anvil Attach this rune to an item and it will appear incredibly heavy.
Padlock Place this rune on an item and its lock is hugely enhanced.
Bell Sets off an alarm when activated, informs owner.
Skull Emits a strobe of light, revealing all present.
Snowflake Protects an item by making it too cold to take.
Oval Protects items from being dropped in most cases.
Ankh Destroys spiritual activity and defences when activated.
Crescent Destroys candescence activity and defences when activated.
Ear Induces deafness soon after it is looked upon.
Eye Causes its target to become blind after several seconds.
Spear When placed on an item or arrow, ensures it always strikes.
Fish Rune of buoyancy preventing items sinking into the sea.
Charm Augments the effects of magical offensive acts.
Talisman Increases your Constitution skill which defends against magic.
Fist Creates a silver sentinel to protect and guard your item.
Key When activated it locks all doors magically, stopping thieves.
Bug For listening in on conversations, whether in Avalon or not.
Pyramid When placed on the ground it protects from summoning and gates.
Quarrel A rune in the form of a silver arrow which can banish demons/undead.
Spiral When activated it fascinates the onlooker so that they cannot move.
Leaf Causes explosions when attached to an item and examined.
Octagon Protects an item by rendering it invisible.
Flame Restores sight to one who has blinded himself.
Knife When activated it causes fear in the onlooker making them flee.
Owl Rune of tracking for use by members of the Seer profession.
Star Sends out a dire warning to any who should activate it.
Cloud Causes its target to fall into a deep slumber.
Snake Disrupts steeds, causing them to panic and dismount their rider.
Hand Deals health damage to any who look upon it.
Face Drains mana from those it affects.
Heart Rune of haemophilia, preventing those affected from clotting their bleeding.
Circle The disease rune, delivering numerous harmful afflictions.
Sphere Rune of warding against ghosts, undead, spirits and mists.
Pear Causes insouciance and indifference in any who see it.
Cross Paralyses anyone who catches sight of it.
Pentagram When activated it renders its location temporarily private.