Charming enables you to learn, chant and cast magical spells of a specific type. You learn spells automatically as your skill rises. To cast a spell you must chant the name of the spell, wait for equilibrium, then cast your spell, by typing CAST, followed by your target. Typing SPELLS followed by a specific spell name gives you all the information you could possibly desire about a spell. Sometimes you may be afflicted by the confusion curse which prevents your charms from working. Type BREATHE and, after ten seconds, you will break out of the curse.
- Spells healhand
- Chant healhand
- [Pause for equilibrium]
- Cast Taliesin
- Chant fireball
- [Pause for equilibrium]
- Cast northeast
NOTE: when you have chanted your magic, or if you are using an artifact to bring forth your enchantment, do not refer to the charm in your final cast. Use only your target, e..g. CAST TALIESIN rather than CAST PENTACLE TALIESIN or POINT WAND TALIESIN rather than POINT WAND PENTACLE TALIESIN or POINT PENTACLE WAND TALIESIN.