Alchemy deals with your general alchemical ability to embed magical spells in the realm of Charming into special alchemical items, such as wands, staves and rods. To enchant an item, you must first set it up as a FOCUS for the spell, using the command FOCUS <item> <spell>. Then together with a mage versed in the appropriate realm or a fellow alchemist, you must charge the item. To charge an item, the mage/loremaster passes essence by ESSENCE <item> while the alchemist charges by CHARGE <item>. The two of you will remain charging and passing essence until one of you types CEASE. As you become more proficient in alchemy you will find yourself able to focus more spells, to charge faster and to higher levels. Type MAGICLIST to list the magical items you hold, together with charges and spells.
Example of charging an item:
- Focus ring healhand
One skilled in Charming or Alchemy must type:
- Essence rin
Then the Alchemist must type:
- Charge ring
The process of charging is then automatic.