It is possible to throw items (including weapons) at your enemies or to your allies. Your accuracy and ability to throw objects or weapons around is partly innate, and partly dependant on apposite skills you may have in your repertoire. Depending on how you use the THROW command, you can specify AT which will attempt to strike an opponent with your thrown object, or TO which will attempt to throw the object to the player for catching.
You can throw any object, but only those meant for combat/damage infliction such as a spear will do any serious harm; unless the item is incerdibly heavy and you have managed to generate a great deal of momentum in your throw - quite difficult to achieve under normal circumstances. You can throw items at people in adjacent or linear directions by adding the direction at the end of the throw commands.
- Throw sword at orc
- Throw spear at helkarakse east
- Throw flower to fiorella
- Throw potion south