There are many specialist-skills a legion may learn, all of them summarised in the HELP TRAINING document. This helpfile also splits up the various skills into sections and these sections are important as a way of thinking about the way these specialist-skills are used. The core skills (like meleefight, alacrity, etc) are used by default every time the legion performs an applicable action or faces an applicable circumstance, whereas the more esoteric the skill, the more likely it will require specific deployment (see HELP DEPLOY) or pro-active orders/dispatches to enact (see HELP PROACTION).
In many cases you will be able to type HELP followed by a specialist skill to gain more detailed information, or LEGION PROGRESS <legion> <skill> when the specified legion is undergoing training in the designated skill to retrieve details otherwise not publicly available. The legion MUST be training the skill before you are able to gather deeper insight via the LEGION PROGRESS command, otherwise you are forced to rely on HELP SPECIALIST <specialist-skill> (e..g. HELP SPECIALIST RAZING) or books/word-of-mouth sourced from about the land. The old axiom 'there is no substitute for real battlefield experience' is nowhere more true than in this disparate, potentially complex but - at least where core skills are concerned - also simple and intuitive area of warfare and legionnaire/fieldworker study.
See HELP TRAINING and peruse the specialist section for details on the more esoteric skills for legions to learn.