Your first duty, as Guildmaster, will be to set the tone and ideals of the guild. Usually these will be carried on from previous masters. Typing HELP followed by a guild name, e..g. HELP LOREMASTERS will give public information about a guild. Guildmasters can alter this information by typing DESCRIBE GUILD, and entering a new body of text to describe the guild and its aims. Your first task must be to ensure that your guild's help text reflects the guild fairly and adequately.
In adition to DESCRIBE GUILD you can do DESCRIBE MYGUILD, DESCRIBE MYFULLGUILD and DESCRIBE MYHEADTUTOR to edit the various types of guild helpfiles.
Guildmasters have two commands to initiate players into your guild, and to eject wayward individuals out of it. Type INGUILD followed by the name of the player, followed by the name of your guild name (e..g. INGUILD AMMON CAVALIERS) to initiate a new member, at the level of apprentice. Type OUTGUILD followed by the name of the player, followed by the name of your guild (e.g. OUTGUILD MAGES HORNET) to eject an individual from your guild. If they are of apprentice level, they will lose any guild skills they have attained. Typing MEMBERS will show you the active membership roll and these individuals can be subjected to the OUTGUILD - with a few noteworthy exceptions like long-standing guild elders. You cannot OUTGUILD dormant members.