Each guild has a scroll, ever updated, recording important events in the guild's recent history. Challenges to guildmasters, election results, apprenticeships, new members, probations, activity in the guild bank account, and such like are recorded in the guild's activity. Guild members may review the activity of their guild by typing ACTIVITY. Military and recruitment/legion specific log can be seen with BATTLEACTIVITY. Locking and unlocking and some security logs goes in LOCKACTIVITY. The Guildmaster may add information and messages for his or her guild members by typing ACTIVITY followed by some text, e..g. ACTIVITY WATCH OUT FOR THE SORCERERS GUILD.
The activity logs may become very long after a while, and the guildmaster has ultimate responsibility to wipe the contents of the three activity logs on a regular basis. This is done by typing ACTIVITY CLEAR. Doing so will clear down the file to the past five to seven days. You can type ACTIVITY CLEAR <number of days> and you will be able to keep more of the guild's activity log available by specifying a higher number of days, e.g. ACTIVITY CLEAR 14 to keep two weeks of logs.