The role of Guildmaster is one of the most significant in Avalon. You make guild policy, you define its role in the land; you are the sole arbiter of its disputes - ultimately - and you are in charge of all high appointments within it. You will also find yourself coming into contact with youngsters wishing to join your guild and a positive, informative approach is advised (unless that clashes with your guild ethos). Remember when handling a novice to be encouraging, to emphasise the benefits of your guild and the usefulness of the youngster if he or she joins. The most off-putting impression is to leave a prospective apprentice feeling that he/she would be a burden, or would have to spend months in tedious study before contributing to the guild. This is, after all, not the case: youngsters can contend with others of their size and can aid the guild in myriad ways.
Commands for Heads of Guild:
GUILDPATRON <deity> - To choose a patron for your guild.
GUILDFEELINGS - To examine the guild feelings.
GUILDENEMY/GUILDFRIEND - To make an enemy or friend to the guild.
GUILDFAVOUR - To dole out your favour to a guildmember.
GUILDDISFAVOUR - To give disfavour from a guildmember.
INGUILD <player> <your guild> - To initiate a player into your guild.
OUTGUILD <player> <your guild> - To kick somebody out of your guild.
ACTIVITY [CLEAR] - Record of important guild information.
ACTIVITY <msg> - Enter a message in the guild activity.
GUILDMSG <message> - To send a message to all guildmembers.
PROBATION <player> - Orders probation on a guild member.
UNPROBATION <player> - Ends the probation on a guild member.
PROMOTE/DEMOTE <member> - To raise or lower member guild rank.
DESCRIBE GUILD - Change the description of your guild.
WATCH <member> - To watch Guild Members' actions.
RECRUITMENT ON/OFF - Allow your CCCs to recruit new members.
ELDER <member> - To bestow permanent elder status.
MEMBERS - Lists the members of your guild.
MEMBERS APPRENTICES - Lists the active apprentice members of your guild.
MEMBERS NOVICES - Lists membership of your guild still in novice phase.
MEMBERS FULL/ACTIVE - Lists membership active only and full non-apprentices only.
MEMBERS ITEMS ACTIVE/DORMANT - Lists all the guild owned items.
MEMBERS GIVE <item> <person> - To allocate guild items to a guildmember.
MEMBERS STATUS - To gain information on a guildmember.
MEMBERS RETRIEVE <item> - To take back a guild possessed item.
MEMBERS SKILLS <member> - Lists a member's Guild non-specialist skills.
MEMBERS PREFIX/SUFFIX - To set the PREFIX/SUFFIX of a guildmember.
CLAIM <item> - To claim an item as guild property.
QUARTERMASTER/UNQUARTERMASTER - To give or take away quarter-master status.
QUARTERMASTERS - To review the guild's quarter-masters.
COMMANDER/UNCOMMANDER - To give or take away guild legion commander.
COMMANDERS - To review the guild's legion commanders.
GUILD SIGN <new name> - Changes a guild's name before the public.
#FIELDLEADER/UNFIELDLEADER - To give or take away field-leader status.
#FIELDLEADERS - To review the guid's field-leaders.
HELP BADGES - Information on the apprentice badge system.
JOURNAL <text of your comment> - Add permanent comment to Avalon journal.
As a one off, you may wish to amend the publicly declared ideals and recruitment attention of the Guild. View settings by typing IDEALS. You may then amend ideals using the IDEAL <ideal> <new setting>/ON/OFF and IDEAL RECRUIT <city/village> <percentage allocation> to amend the guild's attention/affinity spread with the cities and villages of the land. See HELP GUILDIDEALS and HELP RECRUIT for related info.
Apprentices constitute the life-blood of any guild. After you INGUILD a new member they will be considered apprentices. It is entirely up to you, as Guildmaster, when an apprenticeship will end. To signal the end of an apprenticeship you type ENDAPPRENTICE <player> in their presence. Assuming the apprentice types OK they will be embraced fully into your guild and be allowed to progress in the profession. Serving a guild apprenticeship also means that the character's future profession is decided.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to forcibly oust a member from your guild. This is achieved via OUTGUILD followed by the player's name. If you do this to an apprentice they will be stripped of their guildskills (if they have yet to gain your profession) so the command should be used with great care! Guildmasters have only two restrictions on their ability to OUTGUILD unwanted members: dormant players cannot be thrown out 'til they return, and legendary guild elders have certain privileges of continuous membership a Guildmaster will create obstacles for an instant ejection. See HELP ELDERS for further information.