Just as your character can possess loyalty towards a city or town, so can it be affiliated with the interests of your chosen guild. By their very nature, guilds have specific interests and aims that its members are encouraged to pursue. An example of the conflicts in Avalon produced between two of the guilds is the juxtaposition of the Animists' and the Sorcerers' Guilds. One seeks to preserve life in all its forms whilst the other seeks to pervert it and see to its unadulterated desecration. The interests of each guild are presided over by two prime figureheads: its mortal Guildmasters and its patron deity.
Both of these individuals are likely to have very similar long-term aims although it is the Guildmasters who see to the day-to-day running of the guild, just as the Barons officially work for the royal patrons of their respective cities. The Guildmaster deals with the bureaucratic needs of his guildmembers, whereas the patron deity acts as a useful arbiter should differences arise. Type GUILDFEELINGS to discover the feelings of your Guild towards the other guild and cities of Avalon.