The oil-cauldron is a tool of warfare used for the containing, heating and pouring of oil, whether offensively or defensively. The cauldron can be fixed in a targeted position and - when ignited to dangerous heat - can be poured to the ground below, making it one of the most deadly tools in a legion's arsenal.
The fixing on an oil-cauldron requires a scaffold to complete and must be mounted higher than its targets, else it will not be able to pour its cargo with any effectiveness. The best position to fix a cauldron is generally either atop a siegetower (while inside), atop a trench (also while within it) or at a suitable highpoint in a location.
Unfixes the cauldron from its mounted position. All legions can CAULDRON UNFIX but pace will be increased by the "oilcauldrons" skill. It is NOT possible to unfix a cauldron whose oil has been ignited or is in the process of pouring out its contents.
Syntax: CAULDRON FILL <gallons>/CEASE.
Assuming the legion is in proximity with oil, the FILL order commands the legion to fill a fixed cauldron up to the number of gallons specified. The maximum capacity of an oil-cauldron is one thousand gallons, while one oil commodity represents one gallon. Filling speed is determined by the "oilcauldrons" skill and it is important to remember that while a cauldron can be filled after it is ignited, cold oil WILL dilute any heated contents.
Syntax: CAULDRON POUR OFF/<direction>.
Once an oil-cauldron is fixed in place and filled, it can be set to discharge its contents in the specified direction. POUR OFF will reset the cauldron upright.
Pouring oil will only cause harm if it is heated. The IGNITE command will set fire to a cauldron's oil contents and begin heating it toward boiling point. Oil takes time to heat up, but once it reaches its highest temperature (burning on like the black butterscotch of the Diabolus), the tumbling oil is one of the most deadly single attacks in the legion commander's arsenal.
Providing the legion is in possession (or has access to) some sand it can use the DOUSE order to extingiush a burning oil-cauldron, thereby retaining - for a time - the heat built up in the oil but ensuring none of the precious cargo is burned away uselessly.