It is possible for the Prince or City Patron; or the Guildmaster or Guildmistress or Guild Patron, to DESIGNATE untrained non-legion specialised enlistables and collected men loyal to his/her city or guild. These designations can be made to favour any other city or guild of the authority figure's choice: and costs ten gold coins per man (to coerce the change-of-heart) and tends to take around six Avalon months retraining. You can type DESIGNATIONS at any time to see any of your own personally initiated designated loyalty changes; or if you are one of those authority figures you can review all of your city or guild's designations 'to come' and how long before they enter active service also by typing DESIGNATIONS (or DES for short).
Syntax: DESIGNATE ALL/<number> <man/men with unique number> TO <target city, guild or town>.
Use this command, if you have the authority, to begin the retraining of the specified number of men previously loyal to your city or guild, with a view to the numbers becoming part of the military or fieldworker legions of your target city, guild or town. It is a great boon and does not come cheaply. Ten gold coins must be paid per man, for the retraining, and generally six Avalon months must pass for the retraining to complete and the numbers to enter active service - at the same location of the designation.
Syntax: DESIGNATIONS or DES for short.
This shows you a list of all designations appropriate to your rank. City barons, Field Marshall or Prince may review all forthcoming designations heading into their city; Guildmaster and Guild patron may do likewise for men whose retraining will result in them joining the guild's legions.
It is rumoured there are those of sufficient 'familiarity' with the ebb and flow of enthusiastic enlistables, whom any may consult to review designations forthcoming.