Enlistment is carried out by all military personnel with the purpose of expanding the city's military forces. Each enlisted man represents one soldier in the military and thus competition is rife between guilds and cities as each strive to grow in both power and influence. Enlistable men appear regularly (described in part in HELP YOUNGSTERS), most commonly within city walls or within towns and villages (particularly if tribute is exacted, see HELP TRIBUTES).
Enlisting soldiers requires that the loyal men are taken to a barracks. This can be achieved in one of two ways, either via ordering each man to march location by location or - more commonly - by utilising the enlistment passes as described in HELP BECKONING; this is a far more convenient and less laboursome method.
Syntax: ENLIST <number of men to enlist> or ENLIST ALL
Once the potential soldiers are within a barracks interior (or a dormitory for non-combative guild fieldworkers), issue this command to enlist them into the military. ENLIST ALL will automatically attempt to enlist the maximum possible, usually all loyal men in location. Once enlisted, these men gather together in the barrack interior ready to be assembled into legions and trained for purpose.
Syntax: ENLISTED [year]
Reviews all enlistments for your home city for the chosen year.
Syntax: IMPRESSED [year]
Lists all men impressed by gauntlet activity for your home city.
Converting foreign enlistables to your own military forces
A large military is the wish of any serious commander, and there are times when it may be desireable to bolster your forces with men whose allegiance has been sworn elsewhere. There are three ways of doing this:
Syntax: CONSCRIPT <man>
When you have captured a foreign man, you must take him to your barracks. In the presence of your guild or city military, the CONSCRIPT command will - at the cost of a thousand pieces of gold - persuade the foreign enlistable to defect, allowing you to enlist him into your own army.
Syntax: DRUG <man>
Utilising a naturally grown furglewort herb (i.e not evoked artificially), you will be able to befuddle the senses of an enlistable man and lead him to your home barracks or dormitory. Once there, it will be much easier to BRIBE (see below) the potential man to defect to your military or DRUG the man again in hopes of persuading him to alter his loyalties and become available for your own enlistment.
Syntax: BRIBE [quantity] <man> FOR <city or guild name>/MY GUILD/MY CITY.
Use this command to persuade a foreign enlistable man to change his loyalties, become available for your own beckoning and subsequent enlistment. Bribery uses gold coins and can be an unpredictable affair. It is especially effective when undertaken by junior or middling players (the youngsters being a less imposing bribing source, reducing suspicion) and can be augmented if you are lucky. The specific amount of gold required will vary according to circumstances, part standing of the briber (youngsters are both more likely to succeed and do so at lower cost), part proximity to natural home city or guild and part luck. It is possible to include a quantity of men in your bribe attempt and potentially - if sufficient gold is offered - bribe numerous men in one attempt.
Syntax: BRIBED [year]
Lists all bribes made by your home city for the chosen year.
Failed bribes are still taken by the intransigent young man so it is better to bribe successfully from the outset than waste gold working your way up an increasing bribe amount in search of that perfect (but economical) success point. Each failed bribe if it is a long way from satisfactory will make the enlistable want more gold next bribe, whereas failures quite close to the point of success will make the next bribe attempt require less gold!