Many of the locations outside of the major city-states show a flag depicting the WHITE SWAN, a CRESCENT MOON, a PAIR OF CROSSED CUTLASSES, or a LION RAMPANT and this denotes the city whose sphere of influence spreads through the locale. The swan is Mercinaen, the moon is Thakrian, the cutlass is Parrian and the lion is Silverfallian. See HELP SPHERE for info on sphere of influence and its importance to the city-states of Avalon.
Expanding sphere of influence is detailed in HELP CLAIM but in short: a legion of at least regiment size (a hundred soldiers strong) must be present in a location adjacent to your sphere of influence flag and witness the new Avalon month dawn three times to liberate a location fully from foreign flags, and a fourth time for a claim to be successful. This will establish dominance over the location and enable the raising of flags. Further time is required for a declarations of OCCUPATION and CONQUEST.
Members of the military are able, at the cost of two wood, one bronze and three cotton to fashion a flag depicting the emblem of your city. It is this flag which must be raised to claim a location as part of your sphere of influence. You must be in an appropriate location to issue the FLAGFASHION command, like the interior of a barracks, where suitable equipment is located.
This command must be typed while standing in the location you wish to add to your city's sphere of influence. The location cannot be part of another city's sphere and must be free of any existing flags. Flagraising requires you to be out in the open (specifically not at a legion commandpost) and requires that a legion of at least regiment size (a hundred soldiers) has made a successful claim in the location. Only then can the location be brought into your homeland sphere of influence.
STAGE 1: BREAKING CONQUEST / OCCUPATION FLAG REMOVAL (after 1 full month, 30 hours, 2 month dawns witnessed)
STAGE 1 IN PROGRESS: The Mercinaens have been commanded to publicly assert their superiority over the location. In under two Avalon months this claim will be made manifest.
STAGE 2: REMOVAL OF SPHERE FLAG AND LIBERATION PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE (after 2 full months, 60 hours, 3 month dawns witnessed)
STAGE 2 IN PROGRESS: The Silverfallians are engaged in the task of claiming the location and under an Avalon month will see the claim publicly made manifest.
STAGE 3: FIRST FLAGGING FROM NEW CLAIM "FLAGRAISE" LOCATION INTO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (after 3 full months, 90 hours, 4 month dawns witnessed)
STAGE 3 IN PROGRESS: The Thakrians patrol watchfully in the wake of having downed the foreign flag of occupation, their claim for this location will be successful in under an Avalon month.
STAGE 3 COMPLETE AND "FLAGRAISE" POSSIBLE: The Parrians have struck a confident pose, reflecting their unchallenged claim to the location.
Each of the above requires a legion to be claiming for a "full month" to bring to completion. A legion must witness the new month dawn twice in succession to be considered as having claimed for a "full Avalon month". For example: legion begins CLAIM on 30th Midwinter, a short while later the 1st of Eleuthral dawns and the "clock" begins to tick. Thirty days (approximately 30 real hours) later, the 1st of Mournsend dawns and it is at this point that a legion's "full month" is deemed to have passed.
STAGE 4: DECLARATION OF OCCUPATION (One Avalon month, date to date from point of DECLARE OCCUPATION with sphere of influence flag already in place)
STAGE 5: CONQUEST BY VICTORIOUS CLAIMING CITY (One Avalon month, date to date from point of DECLARE CONQUEST with OCCUPATION already in place)
In the event of dispute or diplomatic agreement it may be desirable to lower your city flag and release a location from your sphere of influence. This is particularly useful for setting up buffer zones between centres of power.
Many locations have additional special significance. These bring extra income and potential enlistable increase. The special locations include the 'key' milestone spots in a village, town or city as well as famous landmark locations throughout Avalon like the "Meeting Place" or the "Vale overlooking the western ocean". Village and town special locations always provide at least one extra enlistable each Avalon month for the legions of the flag flying overhead.
Commands to get info on the extent of influence, dispute points and tributes levied: AFFAIRS, TRIBUTES, OCCUPATION and BATTLEFIELD. See HELP FINANCES for specific gold coin revenue from sphere of influence. HELP SPHERE and HELP TRIBUTES for further information.