It is possible for the Field Marshall of a city's armies to bestow commissions on non-citizens. These commissions are represented by badges bearing the city's military insignia and can afford Captain, Major, Colonel or General rank on the foreigner, for the duration of the commission (and so long as he/she does not lose the commission badge). Commission badges are set to last a certain number of Avalon months after which the badge is rendered useless.
Those with badges of commission should look up HELP COMMISSIONED for info on the commands and privileges of the commissioned ranks.
Shows all commissions given out, to bestow authority over the armies of your city to foreigners. This command can be used by Field Marshall, Generals and the Prince or Princess.
Syntax: COMMISSION <foreign citizen> <rank> [<number of months>].
This command is used to give out the badge of commission in your city's army: designating Captain, Major, Colonel or General rank for the commissioned individual. The rank will be held for the specified number of Avalon months (or just one Avalon month if nothing is specified) by that designated foreigner and he/she alone. The rank will be lost if the badge is mislaid but it cannot be directly used by somebody else without express permission.
Syntax: COMMISSION <foreign citizen> CANCEL.
Use this command to revoke the badge of commission from a citizen with authority over your city's armies. It is actioned and irreversible.
Syntax: COMMISSION BADGE <badge> <foreign citizen>/NOBODY.
Sometimes the badge of commission is mislaid or misappropriated and you can use this command to either assign it back where it should be, or shift the authority from one foreigner to another with the latter then playing out the remainder of the commission's months.