Skymastery is the second and generally considered the more exclusive of the specialist skillsets gained by those highest ranked members of the loremaster profession. It is bestowed by the Lore Council, and deals with a wide range of powers centered around a fluid comfortability up in the skies, in amongst the winds and the clouds - whether facing the doors of night, or rising phoenix-like towards the stars. The Loremaster profession, through this specialisation (and full development across the disparate range of skills), has attained an indelible affinity with the element of the air.
Skymastery is generally obtained by permission of the Lore Council. A request is placed with LC REQUEST SKYMASTERY (after having obtained Opalescence) and the council will then support or veto your specialisation. You can test whether you are eligible to receive Skymastery by typing LC CHECK - and if you satisfy current Lore Council criteria, you will gain the specialist skill straight away.
There are many specialisations intertwined with aspects of the land touched-upon (to varying degrees) by the skillsets - particularly the specialisations - of oher professions and Skymaster is known to contend with Ornithology and Falconry, with Thaumaturgy and with certain elemental portions of the Paganism practised by those with great affinity to the forests and the earth. Influencing the weather with a much-expanded lorestave repertoire, evolved elixirs, runes and multi-plane effects across the real, the astral, the ethereal and the netherworld. No more can be revealed here for the secrets of skymastery are closely guarded by the Lore Council, as they sit beneath their austere, strongly symbolist emblem: the kabbalistic tree of life.