Death is inevitable. Regardless of how hard you claw,
hiss, and spit, the average mortal cannot bear to
resist the Reaper's vorpal spear for eternity. Their
resolve is too weak, their hopes and dreams not intense
enough to stave off the cold, gnarled hands of eternal
rest. Again - that is the average mortal. Luckily for
some, Death's spear is not quite so sharp that it may
pierce their unyielding chest, and his gaze is not so
enervating that it can extinguish the flames of passion
which burn within their souls.
These men and women, boldly defying the Angel of Death
his due, are the Revenants -- an order of highly ambitious
practitioners of the dark arts who draw upon the magicks
within themselves to achieve immortality and carve their
places in history with an unending determination to do great
things. Their ideaologies are rather lax and their members
are allowed to pursue their own goals as long as they do not
directly interfere with those of the Guild, though they are
infamously strict when it comes to sloth and apathy - both
of which are considered the most grave of transgressions a
Revenant can commit against his brethren.
A sprawling underground network of ancient catacombs and
chambers is rumored to act as the home of these magical
beasts, entombing generations of Avalonian remains and
enshrining profane locations long forgotten by the breathing
world above. Access into this Guild, however, is difficult,
for it has no common doors or corridors; its entrances are
known only to its secretive membership which has preserved
this knowledge for countless centuries.
Those who believe their soul is strong enough to be stoked
to a blaze by Sorcery and wish to become Revenants themselves
are told to seek out one of the guildmembers to personally
request an invitation - or prove yourself worthy ahead of time
by showing great conviction in all you do.