The Brigands Guild was founded in the early eighth century by a rebel group led by an outcast Ranger named Ender. They are a secretive guild, although they are rumoured to make their home in the northern forests of Avalon. Brigands learn the same skills as their distant brothers in the Rangers Guild, though they have chosen a more self-centred role. They do not defend any particular city as a guild, but instead travel the forests enforcing their laws.
Brigands have once been called churlish and sadistic by their enemies, and stories about their unruly, unlawful actions were widespread. It was told that they would often kidnap folk from the cities, set them free again in the woods, and then hunt them to death beneath the dark forest eaves.
Brigands recognise no traditional authorities - they are termed rebels by many, and ne'er-do-well by others. Brigands were often acting as hired mercenaries or assassins, though their prices were high.
To be one with this group you must endure a dark and, to some, painful Initiation. How this Initiation is conducted is only known to those within the guild and kept a tight secret from the outside world. The Apprentice will learn of it only when the day comes for their right to walk amongst the brigands as their Brother or Sister.
The Brigands are a fiercely loyal clan, either to their Brothers and Sisters or to those whom they deem Friends to their ideals. They may not fight with such Sadistic ways as the Brigands of Old once did but they fight with the passion to protect each other and their Guild, no Brigand fights alone. The Ideals may have changed from the original Brigands but they still hold their fighting spirit and their passionate ways to make sure their guild stays prosperous.