All Avalonians are born amidst the dirt, but a few have their eyes on the stars. The path of the seer is not an easy one, for a seer battles with their wits rather than strength of arms. Still, for those who are called to this path there can be no other. To attempt to command the stars with a mind unequal to the task is to invite madness, but for those willing and able to listen and learn the secrets of the ethereal winds, the way of the seer promises unrivaled power.
On the battlefield, the seer spurns the sword and shield, wreathing themself in illusion and counter-curses for defense, and wielding fatalist curses to lock down our adversaries' ability to eat, heal, move, cast or flee. A skilled seer with a good knowledge of the opponent may apply just the right combination of curses to render them utterly helpless and wholly at our mercy
to kill if we please, or to subject to a fate far worse than death: the mystic bond.
The skill of waxes makes the seer the most feared opponent in the land. By bonding a wax figurine to the life force of our opponent, we gain power over the individual to strike them down, invade their thoughts, subject them to mind control, or kill them outright through all defenses, at any time, and across any distance. Through the power of the wax, mighty warriors may become pawns in the seer's game as it plays out across the surface of their stone.
The world of Avalon is divided up into 4 spheres of influence--one for each seers guild. The Apostles control the sphere that surrounds and protects Silverfalls, allowing us to monitor and protect those within our sphere, and rain destruction on intruders. It is essential for an Apostle to have a strategic mind to plan out wise campaigns to expand our sphere, and a tactical one to exploit subtle gaps in enemy runic defenses to penetrate foreign guilds and safehouses with our seeing stones, allowing us
to lower their defenses from within and open the gates for infiltration, theft, and further espionage.
Secure in our fortified tower, the Apostles work grand designs inscrutable to those below. Our knowledge and our vast command of secrets give us power far more terrifying than any magic. Though we speak with many voices--the devestating fighters, the subversive espionage agents, the vigilant
protectors, the silver-tongued diplomats--we all chant the same name: Apostles. If you have a mind ablaze with the fire of the stars, prepared to gaze into the netherworld and drink in its secrets, then seek us out. You have our attention. It is not every day that a new star is born.