Milestones are dotted around the continent. Permanent milestones (jet-black) denote the central points in a city or village, while smaller milestones often mark significant locations in the land. Young citizens and guildmembers, freshly matured in a city or recently joined as a guild apprentice, are celebrated by the creation of a short-term marble milestone bearing his/her name. This marble milestone will remain in existence for a certain short-ish period, enhancing the city or guild's presence in the land - and boosting the number of enlistable men (potential additions to their soldiery) by between a hundred and two hundred and fifty legionnaires. When the milestone's enlistable boost is spent it will cease to be.
The marble milestone's enlistable boost is further enhanced by junior quest completion. Whenever a junior citizen or guildmember completes a quest for the first time he/she gains a lesson boost according to the designated difficulty of the quest. This is a fine way for the youngster to advance more quickly in their precious skills. In addition to their lesson gain, however, for as long as they have a marble milestone augmenting city or guild enlistable numbers, every lesson gained will equate to an extra enlistable man in the land wanting to join the city or guild legions. Thus if the youngster performs new quests worth a two hundred lesson boost, he/she will also potentially boost the enlistables for city and guild armies by two hundred (generating a total of 400 men). Ambitious armies take heed.