Warfare and legion command can seem a steep learning curve but in reality you need know only a fraction of the possibilities available to trained soldiery, to be a very effective legion commander on the battlefield: and this ONE page helpfile contains these essentials - and no more. Shortcuts below work when you are at a legion's command-post. See HELP COMMANDER for detailed info on this singularly protected position at the centre of a legion.
Entering and Leaving the Legion Command-Post
MARSHALL <legion name> takes up a position at the legion's command-post.
RELINQUISH leaves the command-post to move out into the open location.
Legion Movement, Combat Engement, Formations/Facing and Deployment
Shortcut Full Legion Order What It Does
M MOVE <direction> Moves your legion between locations ( HELP MARCHING).
QS STEP <direction> Maneouvres legion within location ( HELP STEP).
F FACE <direction> Makes legion face the direction ( HELP FACE).
FO FORMATION <formation> Orders legion to change formation ( HELP FORMATION).
CN CONVEY <target/area/etc> Long distance convey orders ( HELP CONVEY).
DE DEPLOY <skill> <0-100> Deploys to the specified skill(s) ( HELP DEPLOY).
MA APPROACH MARCHING March in formation; combat-ready ( HELP APPROACH).
RU APPROACH RUNNING Tells legion to run: faster march
CAV APPROACH CAVALRY Orders a legion to mount steeds
EN ENGAGE <target> Attack the target legion or city! ( HELP ENGAGE).
RE RE [ALL/<target>] Retract all attacks or specifics
CU CLIMB UP Commands legion to attempt upclimb
CD CLIMB DOWN Orders legion to attempt descent
FI LEGION <legion> FINISH ALL Stops a barracked legion training
(so you can lead it into battle/city defence)
AP APPROACH <movement approach> General movement approach changes
Defending Fortifications and Siege/Plunder Enemy Locations
FORTS HERE shows you the fortifications in your current location along with strength and which direction they face; BANNER does likewise in more summary format and details of legions in your location with ( ) or (( )) around the legion if it is manning its localepoint forts.
Shortcut Full Legion Order What It Does
MAN DEPLOY FORTS 100 Legion locked to man fortifications ( HELP MANNING).
UNMAN DEPLOY FORTS 0 Calls legion out of fort manning
BE <dir> BESIEGE <direction>/etc Lay siege to the target/direction ( HELP BESIEGE).
(besiege used to remove doors, destroy enemy forts)
PLU <dir> PLUNDER <direction> Plunder locations post-siege ( HELP PLUNDER).
(once besiege complete, plunder removes all valuables)
RA <dir> RAZE <direction> Permanently destroy constructions
(siege and plunder complete; raze is the denouement)
C <legion> command sends subsequent orders to specified legion (see HELP COMMAND).
Info Gathering about Legions on and off the Battlefield
BANNER (shortcut: BA) lists all localepoints in your location with fortifications, depth/height, legions at each point alongside their formation, direction facing and numeric strength. LOCALE can also be used for easy reading version. See HELP BANNER.
BATTLEFIELD [<area>] to see the local battlefield or the field of the specific area. See HELP BATTLEFIELD.
note: FVB (short for FIGHTVERYBRIEF) ensures most key warfare texts are shown as summaries with colour-coding (red relates to casualties, yellow to non-fatal combat, green to manoeuvering without combat, etc).
Shortcut Full Legion Order Syntax (see HELP LEGION)
IAC LEGION ACTIVITY <your legion>/<legion-name> [recommended]
INF LEGION INFO <your legion>/<legion-name>
ISK LEGION SKILLS <your legion>/<legion-name>
All of the shortcut commands above (in all forms) are detailed in full in the warfare section (type HELP 22) of the Avalon HELP manual.