The CONVEY order is a command or dispatch given to a legion telling it to convey itself and all its inventory to a specific posting destination. The destination is usually a legion or a specific village, town or territory.
Syntax: CONVEY <area>/<target> or CONVEY <position> <target legion> or CONVEY <legion> <area/target> etc.
Use this command to send the CONVEY command directly to your command-post or to a specific legion. Detailed syntax as below.
Syntax; COM <legion> CONVEY <AREA> <in-area target> [<formation>].
COM <legion> CONVEY <position> <target LEGION> [<formation>].
This is the CONVEY command and the broad syntax. The single command covers two broad destinations: a village/territory or a legion. It can have a formation added to the end of the order to ensure the legion is in the specified formation once it reaches destination. If the CONVEY is directed to an <AREA> it is wise to include a target within that area/territory to ensure best placement for the inbound legion. If the CONVEY is directed to a <target LEGION> then the order should include a preferred position relative to this legion to place the inbound forces in the correct strategic spot.
Area targets within destination territory are:
EDGE to convey to the edge of the target territory.
VANGUARD to halt once made contact with home forces in the territory.
MILESTONE to post to the central milestone of the territory.
FRONTLINE to join the frontline / engaged homeland legions in the territory.
FORTS to take up position manning forts, raising them if necessary.
BEHINDFORTS to halt behind raised fortifications facing the forts.
BEFOREFORTS to position in front of raised forts facing away from them.
Positions relative to target legion are:
COVER places conveying legion in the location immediately behind legion.
ADJACENT takes up position in a location adjacent to target legion.
FRONT moves to an advance location in front of the target legion.
REARGUARD conveys to join the target legion location in a rearguard position.
ALONGSIDE conveys to the target legion taking up point alongside.
LINES, PHALANX, GUNGHO, REARGUARD, TORTOISESHELL and ANY which is the default if no formation is commanded and retains whatever formation is current. Formations are detailed in HELP FORMATIONS content.
See also HELP MARCHING, HELP POINTS, HELP APPROACH, HELP FORMATION, HELP FACING and HELP MANOEUVRE for content covering all legion-related movement across the land and within a location's nine points.