The battlefield is a diverse place and terrain will play a significant role in the campaigns of any military commander. Obstacles, blockages and terrain characteristics all feature and these - in almost all cases - are able to be affected directly by a legion.
In order to dig into the ground the legion must be commanded about the "digging" approach; this will ensure the legionnaires are properly organised about the act of depth related terrain work. See HELP APPROACH.
Syntax: DIG <number of feet>/GROUND/CEASE.
Use this command to order a legion to dig a specific number of feet in its localepoint, or to dig to ground-level (using DIG GROUND) or to cease any digging activities (using DIG CEASE). This number of feet you specify is the number of feet from whatever the current localepoint height, downwards, to dig - e.g. if you set a legion to dig 10 feet from a 15ft localepoint it will dig until the localepoint has a height of 5ft.
Syntax: DEPLOY LEVELGROUND <percentage>.
It may be that you wish to reverse the effects of your own or another legion's digging, to bring a locale back to a more level playing field. The typical way to do this is to place your legion into the appropriate locale point to raise up, and then deploy "levelground" specialist-skill to as high as percentage as possible. This will devote manpower to digging away ground from adjacent localepoints and thus increasing the height beneath the legion's feet. See HELP DEPLOY.
Syntax: BARRICADE <height in feet>.
In some ways the opposite to the DIG command, but with different subtleties - the BARRICADE command attempts to raise the height of a locale point, generally as part of some broader defensive walls/barricade. The legion will require constructedbarricades (either in their inventory or nearby) to carry out the endeavour. It is possible to fill in trenches, block tunnels, or create high vantage points (for various uses) using the barricade command;it is not simply limited to creating blockages/barriers to movement.
NOTE: It is important to remember that a DIG order commands the legion to dig down BY the specified depth (in feet) while the BARRICADE order commands the legion to build up TO the specific height in feet.