Challenging is a public and proud method of commencing battle with another player on Avalon. When you issue a challenge, everybody in the land will be told of your intent. The person you have challenged will then have no reasonable excuse to ignore you. However, whereas normally the victor in combat gains blood-lust for slaying, they do not gain blood-lust for slaying one who has challenged them. Your challenge is always lost upon death to another player.
When you have issued a public challenge you will not be able to seek refuge so easily in sanctuaries such as the Pool of Life. If you slay somebody you have challenged, they will lose experience and safe encounters with Death according to their bloodlust. When you issue a challenge, for fifteen seconds you cannot issue an offensive act. The individual you have challenged will gain such an adrenalin rush that they will remain conscious and fast acting for those fifteen seconds.
ISSUE CHALLENGE <player> To issue a challenge to your enemy.
CHALLENGES To review all current active challenges.
RETRACT CHALLENGE <player> To retract a public challenge.
See HELP CHALLENGING if you wanted to learn about challenging the Master or Mistresss of a Guild for the leadership of the guild and its membership.