Your esteem within your guild is measured by your Guild Rank, ranging from the misfortunate Probationary through Fellowship and Mastery to the most respected Elder.
1. Probationary
2. Apprentice
3. Initiate
4. Novice
5. Understudy
6. Guildsman
7. Fellow
8. Trustee
9. Tutor
10. Master
11. Grand Master
12. Deputy Guildmaster
Once every Avalonian month each guildmember may give their favour or disfavour to another member of the guild, which will influence the other's rank according to their standing. Type GUILDFAVOUR <member> or GUILDDISFAVOUR <member> to record your intentions. Thereby the regular favour of fellow guildmembers will cause your guild rank to rise, or their disfavour cause it to fall. Guild rank, whilst indicating your popularity within the guild, is also associated with other privileges including, at the higher levels, research into items. Type RANK to ascertain your rank in the guild and PRIVILEGES to review any privileges you have gained.