The Good Samaritan's role is simple - he is here to help. His job is customer service and support. He will help to guide all novices and those who have not yet established themselves in Avalon, and deal/report bugs and problems spotted by the established players. The Samaritan will bring all problems to the attention of the relevant person and will never turn away a player in need of help. The Samaritan is not a deity, and has no role. All may feel free to come to him for support. However, he is not obliged to give away secrets of Avalon or hold an established player's hand, nor will he aid one player to the detriment of another.
To talk to the Samaritan type SAMA followed by the text you wish to say, e.g. SAMA you are a friendly and helpful soul.
If you have any serious problems, you may e-mail the Avalon Support staff at and we will endeavour to respond as promptly as we can.