Modem access around the British Isles is supplied by IBM PC User Group and PIPEX. You dial one of the points of presence, and, if outside London, type IBMPCUG at the Pipex prompt - and then log in using the public Avalon account. The log-in name is IBMPCAV and the password is just a blank line. You could also use IBMPCAV at the Pipex login prompts, with no password.
Anywhere in the UK, local-rate number:
0845 355 5200
Inside London (0171 and 0181 area codes):
0171 649 9025
The most infuriating problem with the internet is overloaded connections leading to slow, lag-ridden response. Though for the most part the extent of lag you will experience at any given time is beyond our control we have set up other Points of Presence in North America and Europe, each on different parts of the internet, to give you a number of alternatives should you experience unacceptable lag. See HELP POPS for a current list.
We will be expanding the number of Points of Presence to give more alternatives as suitable sites are found. Remember also that the internet is an unpredictable and disorderly beast and often the Point of Presence which is nearest to you in distance is the most lag-ridden due to sagging networks in between - so try all the Points of Presence.