Avalon e-mail addresses are available for your character. Spam free, focussed for Avalon matters. This facility has now been introduced. Any Avalon character can procure an avalon-rpg..com e-mail address for nothing. If you want to take advantage of this your e-mail would be <character>@avalon-rpg.com, e..g. ruthmadoc@avalon-rpg.com. Contact admin@avalonrealtime.com if you want to set this up. We also have e-mails @meetplace.net and @avalon.uk and @avalon.co.uk and many more.
Display Name: Your character name, with prefix and suffix if you like.
E-mail address: ruthmadoc@avalon-rpg.com (lowercase)
Mail server type: POP3 or IMAP
Incoming mail server: mail..avalon-rpg.com
Outgoing mail server: mail..avalon-rpg.com
Login/Account name: ruthmadoc@avalon-rpg.com (lowercase)
Password: this will initially be set to your Avalon character's password.
How to connect: Establish your own.
Choose SSL yes with no certificate for your security or non-SSL. Use mailserver ports as per your mail software defaults. We can offer various web-mail alternatives i..e. using your web browser on https secure pages to handle your e-mails.
If you get errors connecting to the outgoing mail server, it is possible that your ISP (e..g. DSL/cable company) is blocking outgoing mail. In this case you will need to connect to their outgoing mail servers instead, possibly logging in using your username/password with them. Check their website or contact their support department for assistance with this.