In order to push your skill prowess to the heights of post-Ultimate mastery, to acieve what is termed the 'crowning' of a skill, it is necessary to utilise one of the fabled relics of Avalon. It may be worth perusing HELP ULTIMATE to understand the concept of skill advancement to the crowning point. These relics, however, were wrought before the Divine War, and each is imbued with the capacity to enable learning far beyond the norm; to allow a mortal to chase the effect of a divinely favoured skill or to crown it permanently at its very fullest potential.
In most profession clases it is necessary to crown at least one professional skill, regardless of profession, if you are ever to pursue specialisation (see HELP SPECIALISATION) and even without specialising, the various crowning abilities are legendary for their potency.
To use the relic appropriate to your chosen skill, you must learn (from one of greater skill) in its presence. The relic must be laid upon the ground for the duration of the lesson else your tuition will be slip from your memory almost immediately. Relics cannot be taken indoors, into city-designated buildings, or into inner temples. They also cannot be hidden within covered items or held long (if at all) on steeds or in easily protected CCC inventories/locations.
Type RELICS in Avalon to list the current items associated with the various general and guild skills, i..e. the artifacts you may need to quest should you wish to advance your Ultimate to Crowned Ultimate skill level.