Guilds are central to the cities of Avalon. It is within the walls of their apartments that the vast majority of all accomplished learning is amassed, and they are the primary fountains of knowledge from which you must ultimately drink. The choice of a guild is always a difficult one. It should involve a great deal of forethought. If the notion of combat excites you then the Knights or the Cavaliers would seem an obvious choice. If, however, pacifism or druidism is your life's ideal, then the Guild of Animists would suit you. Type HELP GUILDS for a complete display of guilds in all the major cities. Alongside each one you will see listed the names of their respective Guildmasters as well as their Guild patron deity. All are players like yourself. You should talk to Guildmasters of as many guilds as possible, to help you make your final decision. You may also type HELP <guild> for detailed information on any particular guild.
Guilds are usually housed within the boundaries of the major cities although many prefer to remain somewhat hidden from the bustle of their streets, secured by anonymously bare doorways. Should you eventually be admitted, you will as a rule be given a guild uniform to identify yourself to your contemporaries, as well as a key to the guild entrance so that you may come and go as you please. At the most basic level you will find that your guild is an excellent spring-board into the harsher environments of Avalon where only the more skilled can cope alone. It is up to you how much time you spend learning your specialist skills, but the rewards for diligence are great.
Upon joining a guild, it is not uncommon for its Guildmasters to admit you only as an apprentice. This has its benefits for both you and the Guildmasters. Firstly it allows you to sample the skills of which you will be learning and come to a final decision as to whether this guild is for you. If you chose to bid farewell and try your hand at another guild or profession (by typing QUIT GUILD), then you have learned only a little, but you have lost nothing except the smattering of specialist skills you have dabbled in.
Moreover, for the Guildmasters, it provides a useful means of vetting prospective candidates to his or her guild. Once this apprenticeship is passed (as stipulated by the Guildmasters), you will find yourself admitted to the higher echelons of the guild. This will allow you the rights to permanently retain your specialised guild skills, regardless of which guild you are in (providing it is part of the same profession). You will thereafter gain voting rights and a voice in the guild's decisions, and the potential to build your guild rank to the very highest of attainments: Guildmastery itself.
It is possible to leave a guild after your apprenticeship is over and you will retain your guild-specialised skills. You should understand, though, that if you wish to change your profession - a momentous and generally discouraged choice - you will have to sacrifice the specialised knowledge. See HELP PROFESSION for detailed info on this ill-advised choice.
All guilds, and even the Academies, have honours and accolades which their guildmembers, if diligent, may attain. You will usually find that you will be offered a chance to perform worthy deeds on behalf of your guild, and success will lead not only to your reputation being enhanced, but also to your guild bestowing upon you the honour associated with the quest. You will only be given quests for honour when the masters of your Guild consider you ready. Once an honour is gained it is for life. You will gain guild privileges by gaining honours and obtaining guild favour from your fellow members. Type PRIVILEGES at any time to review those privileges which you have earned. Once you have ended your apprenticeship, you will be able to dole out your favour or disfavour to a fellow member. Type GUILDFAVOUR followed by their name to bestow your favour upon them and GUILDDISFAVOUR followed by their name to give disfavour to them. The effect of your favour and disfavour is determined by your rank - the higher your guild rank, the more beneficial your favour, and the more harmful your disfavour. You can give out guild favour and disfavour once every Avalon month. Typing GUILDSTATUS will review the general information about your guild, and GUILDHOUSE will review any extensions made to it. In the next section is a list of guilds, guild tutors who give out guild honours and a brief description of the usual location of these guild tutors (Computer Controlled Characters) in Avalon, followed by a list of guild ranks that you will attain as you rise up in reputation.