AVALON IS FIRST VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE on 4th Midwinter 800 aDW (after Divine War) and our timeline begins...
[NOTE: these earlier dates will be made accurate presently]
800 [Oct. 89] The Firstborn enter Avalon Mortals protected from the everlasting clutches of Death by the Omnipotent Gods.
c.830 [June 92] Parrius gains city status
c.840 [March 93] Aldaron moves the Animists Guild out of Mercinae due to the warlike attitude of the Barony. Aldaron states that the reputation of Mercinae is perhaps irredeemably undermined but Castigere and Isildur assert Mercinae's need to meet fire with fire else risk being enslaved by the Thakrian menace
c.845 [May 93] The Ordination of Mephisto, God of Night: Helkarakse the Thakrian Sorcerer defeats Urquoth, Astrologer of Parrius in the competition for divinity
c.855 [Jan 94] Snowlock rises to prominence in Thakria as successor to Blodwyn who removes to her stronghold in G'harran
c.856 [Jan 94] Thakria begins to dominate Avalon. Prince Isildur of Mercinae backed by Parrian allies expresses fear over Thakrian militarism
c.862 [April 94] The Ordination of Nostradamus, God of the Stars as Blodwyn, greatest Seer in Avalon history, defeats Zollrender the Master Thief in the first Amethyst Quest finale - the competitive format still used, unchanged, over twenty years later
c.863 [May 94] Snowlock puts Thakria on a war-economy footing and spreads word of his plans for the destruction of Mercinae
Skyelong 870 [July 94] Thakria declares war on Mercinae as Snowlock marches a hundred thousand Thakrians to conquer the City of the Swan
Skyelong 870 [July 94] Castigere hands patronage of Mercinae to Genesis as Isildur, high priest and Mercinaen Prince, chooses to flee rather than face Snowlock's challenge
Skyelong 870 [July 94] Mercinae is defended to the last by Zollrender, leading the Mercinaen battlement legions in a desperate bid to hold off the conquering Thakrians. Rescue comes at last: Parrius mobilises and enters Mercinae, engaging the Thakrians as the last Mercinaen battlement was about to fall.
c.870 [Aug 94] Mercinae escapes destruction but the armistice - withdrawal of Parrian army included - surrenders control to Thakria and Nostradamus is installed as patron as an act of mockery to taunt Mercinae for its cowardly leaders
c.871 [Sep 94] Mercinae is economically ruined by Nostradamus, Snowlock and Thakria and eventually handed back to Castigere a shell of its former self
c.875 [Oct. 94] The Ordination of Orthwein, God of Fate from Snowlock the Prince of Thakria, Conquerer of Mercinae, Guildmaster of the Thieves and Priest of Time. He defeated Zollrender in a comprehensive Ordination victory
c.875 [Oct. 94] The Appointment of Andromeda, Goddess of Dreams from Klassi, Loremistress
[Oct-Nov 94] Avalon's 5th Anniversary!
882 [Feb. 95] Mercinae and Parrius at war Hostilities between the cities break out over the occupation of villages and towns in Avalon. Mercinae defeats Parrius at Astrea's Delta, Parrius objects to Mercinae's occupation of Orc Town.
884 [March 95] Genesis strips Isildur of his lacklustre Mercinae Princeship, end of Mercinae-Parrius war.
884 [March 95] The Darkening of Nostradamus after an argument between Orthwein, god of fate and Nostradamus, then god of the stars. Catalyst was Orthwein's objection to the defection of Thavar from Astrologers to Seers. Denouement was Nostradamus casting off the stars and embracing the darkness, which was the gift of The Diabolus. [READBB PUBLIC 6547]
884 [March 95] Genesis declares Apollo is the new Patron of Mercinae Genesis expresses his hope that the new Patron can restore honourable behaviour to the citizens of Mercinae.
885 [March 95] Shaitan becomes Prince of Thakria.
Leaflost, 885 [April 95] Thakria beseiges Kristanisti. The seige is broken after Parrius sends troops to Kristanisti.
Midwinter, 888 [May 95] Thakria beseiges Parrius. Mercinae sends troops and the seige is broken after 6 days
Midwinter, 900 [Sept. 95] 100 years since the Firstborn arrived in Avalon
Agamnion, 904 [Nov. 95] The Ordination of the Sorcerer Shaitan, defeating Gandalf the Mage. The Messiah briefly flares but Lazarus would be his permanent divine choice.
905 [Nov. 95] The Messiah relinquishes his divine status
906 [Dec. 95] Rumours sweep the land regarding the "Doom of Avalon", and the "Rise of Annihilus"
907 [Dec. 95] Lazarus, the God of Pain takes Divine status
913 Feb. 96] Parrius occupies Coriona
Hindyear, 913 [Feb. 96] Mercinae and Thakria declare war on Parrius Thakrian forces liberate Coriona. Ithakus, Prince of Mercinae, invades Parrius with Thakrian funding. Parrian troops break the siege, Ithakus recalls all Mercinaen forces and resigns his position
Leaflost, 919 [May 96] The Wizards, the first Springdale guild, is opened
920 [May 96] Rumours spread of a new city called Gabbad
Agamnion, 929 [Sept. 96] The Ordination of Rhadamanthys, God of Compassion
930 [Sept. 96] Springdale University opens
939 [Jan. 97] Thakria besieges Coriona The other three cities combine to defeat the Thakrian forces at Coriona. Around this time Panaideos of Thakria is aknowledged as the most powerful fighter in the land. Thakria gains many new citizens from the other cities
941 [Feb. 97] The Parrian Exodus Fearing invasion from Thakria the Parrian government decide to close the city and move to Mercinae. Many Parrians feel betrayed and join Thakria or Springdale rather than stay in Mercinae
949 [June 97] Rebirth of Parrius Parrius begins to repopulate, under the leadership of Bedivere, Mercy and Procyon. Little love is left between Mercinae and Parrius
Skyelong, 970 [May 98] Thakria sacks Mercinae A large Thakrian force defeat the army of Mercinae at the city's North Gate. Parrius marches 1500 troops into Mercinae via the East Gate. Mercinae's forces are routed in the first battles, and the invaders destroy much of the city but are finally driven out with the aid of Guild troops.
Skyelong, 977 [Aug. 98] Mercinae defeats Thakria Mercinae invades Thakria, utterly destroying its army. Mercinae proceeds to loot and raze much of the city unchallenged whilst a 5000-strong army occupy Thakria for several months. Mercinae withdraws after a peace treaty limiting Thakria's military for 10 years is signed. This effectively ends the war between Mercinae and Thakria.
Mournsend, 990 [March 99] The Ordination of Brigantia, Godess of Life
Midsummer, 990 [March 99] The Ordination of Xanthe, Godess of Vengeance The Ordination of Proteus, God of the Sea
Agamnion, 992 [April 99] Rise of the Orc Armies An Uruk-Hai legion sacks Eleusis, marking the start of the Orc Wars with Orcish armies marching as far as the gates of Mercinae. Rumours spread of the return of "The Master".
Cloudburst, 998 [July 99] The Fall of Gant Defeated soldiers from Gant appear in Southern Avalon, telling of the capture of Gant by The Master.
1st Midwinter, 1000 [August 99] The New Millenium One thousand years after his defeat, The Master returns to Avalon . He demands the surrender of humanity, promising slavery for those who oppose him but power for those that fight his cause. Of the great cities, only Thakria sides with the Master.
Eleuthral, 1000 [August 99] The Defeat of The Master Orestes instructs the free-peoples alliance to restore the gems of the Gods thus revealing The Master to Olympus. So long as the gems were lost in the land, The Master's powers would conceal the state of Avalon. Bloody battles were waged but eventually the gems were restored, and the Gods slew the Master.
[Oct-Nov 99] Avalon's 10th Anniversary!
Paglost, 1012 [Feb. 00] The Ordination of Damocles, God of chaos
Midsummer, 1020 [June 00] Artisans Guild Expelled from Parrius The Artisans are expelled following disputes between senior Artisans and the government of Parrius, the latter claim the guild was acting against the interests of the city.
Mournsend, 1021 [June 00] Parrius Invades Mercinae Relationships between the former allies had become increasingly strained during the previous 5 years as Parrius had grown and sought to increase its sphere of influence, causing Mercinae to give up some of hers. An incident in 1017 when Parrian troops who had been protecting north Mercinae were prevented from returning home by the raising of Mercinae's East Gate fortifications did not help. Mercinae signs a 20 year peace treaty with Parrius.
Midsummer, 1027 [Nov. 00] Thakria Invades Springdale Thakrian legions fight their way into Springdale and finally defeat the city after several bloody battles. Springdale is forced to agree to a 15 year treaty, one of the terms is that the city is renamed Springtown. A statue of a grim-faced Thakrian man is erected in Springdale Square.
Eleutheral, 1039 [March 01] Parrius Invades Mercinae Parrius had decleared they would use their legions to destroy the Knights guildhouse as punishment for attacks by Knights guildmembers on Parrians. A failed pre-emptive strike by Knights guildtroops was judged as a violition of the 1021 treaty, Parrius invaded Mercinae once again and destroyed most of its guildhouses, homes and shops.
Eleutheral, 1055 [Nov 01] The Bandits Guild invade the Animists The Bandits invade the Animists Guild in the Northern greenwood, stating that the invasion is in reaction to interference in combat and warfare by the Animists.
c. ? Start of the Stone War Sarale bonded into Thakria and proceeded to loot Thakrian stores. Thakrian seers retaliated and hold Mystic stones enslaved.
c. 1070 Parrius Accused of Crimes against Mercinae Zenichiro as Parrian Custodian is blamed for attacks against the Knights' guild of Mercinae.
Agamnion, 1073 Springdale invaded by Parrius Parrius razes the Prophet and Paladin guides while waiting for Prince Orinoko of Springdale to discuss terms. Orinoko's acknowledgement of attacking Parrian citizens within their walls, rebuffing talks of surrender until terms publically posted.
Springflower, 1075 Damocles, god of chaos sponsers the Rubyleague for the Divine Ruby of War. Competition, though delayed, finally ends in 1090.
Eleuthral 1076 Treaty between Parrius and Springdale 20-year treaty ends in 1096. In additions to reparations, Orinoko is ousted from his Princeship as a condition of the treaty, named fighters suffer punishment within Parrian walls as health deterioriates.
Skyelong 1077 Stone War Ends Pyrious, Guildmaster of the Prophets, agrees to a new Code of Conduct where no member of his guild shall use a palantir for the purposes of focusing, getting, shattering, or traversing into shop stockrooms and treasure chambers. Amadeus, guildmaster of the Seers and Grahjhl, guildmistress of the Astrologers, agree to abide by these terms.
c. 1079 Newbie League Tournament Springdalian fighters sponser tournament in revolutionary move to help teach youth how to fight; support and donations pour in from all sides and Eleusis is set at site of tourney.
c. 1081 Inshallah, the moon-goddess, returns to Avalon.
Paglost, 1082 Mercinae Invades Thakria Mercinae launches a timed attack on Thakrian soil, Thakria responds routing the City of Light and further occupying its walls.
Midsummer, 1082 Thakia marches on Parrius.
c. 1083 Treaty between Thakria and Parrius Thakria required to withdraw troops from Parrian walls in a 15-year treaty to end in 1098. Astrologers prevented from far attack, location bonding in Thakria. Treaty ratified on behalf of their cities by Zheredan of Parrius and Ender of Thakria.
c. 1084 Genesis oversees treaty to end Thakrian-Mercinaen War. Under terms, Mystics guild prevented from far attack, location bonding in Thakria. Mercinaens also required to appeal to Lord Apollo, god of Light, for the removal of his temple from Thakria. Treaty ratified on behalf of their cities by Herbie of Mercinae and Ender of Thakria.
c. 1084 Brigantia, goddess of Life, returns to Avalon.
c. 1087 Long Night lifted Members of the Loremasters guild surprisingly step out and lift Long Night
Cloudburst, 1088 Cease-fire between Thakria, Corionans, and the Loremasters.
Mournsend, 1090 Springdale suffers defeat at the hand of Thakria Under the guidance of Nostradamus, god of Darkness, Springdale's forces are now non-existant and leadership sues for peace while the city is razed. The Stag, while admitting defeat, refuses to bend its head and swear fealty to the City of Miracles.
Hindyear, 1090. Genesis introduces city schools to the four cities as a means of furthering overall education.
Hindyear, 1091. 25-year Treaty established between Thakria and Springdale Along with reparations, Prophets prevened from far attack, bonding enemy locations in Thakria. Orinoko and Finbar are stripped of their baronial posts and Rhapsody, Princess of Springdale, accepts terms.
c. 1095 The death of Andromeda, the goddess of dreams In the passing of time a dream dies and Avalon goes on.
c. 1099 Brigands Guild Resurrected Dissatisfied with the Rangers guild he supported for years, Ender led a small band of bears from the guild and formed the Brigands under the boughs of the G'harran.
Hindyear, 1102 Several renowned Parrians ousted from their city on charges of conspirary to overthrow the government.
c. 1103 Relics Discovered! Numerous relics of the guilds of Avalon are found scattered across the land and inspire learning past previously known heights.
c. 1108 Aldaron, the god of Life, returns to Avalon.
Springflower, 1115 Malhavok, the god of War is ordained
c. 1116 Olympians organizes first-ever Avalon Olympics
c. 1117 Construction of Modern Libraries Public libraries built in Thakria, Springdale as Booklore is introduced, Maud appointed as the first Librarian of Avalon.
c. 1120 Stranger from the north delivers foreboding prophesy. "The floodgate of Evil has been opened, and the Light doth weakens, the Night of Shadows is coming, the futhre is unforeseen, Hope shall be forgotten, Spared shall be but few, the great battle arises, Time will speak then end, but whose end is unknown."
Midsummer 1123 [Sept 04] Kodiak Wall constructed in Thakria to boost security of the Imperial Palace along Moonstone Lake.
Cloudburst 1124 Concept of Microcosm Introduced Genesis the god of Time issues a new mandate on the principles of battle after numerous months of debate over the definition of sadism. In the oncoming months duelling is revived as the civil form of combat.
Midsummer 1125 Avalon's 15th Anniversary OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2004!
12th Hindyear, 1138. Theft of Divine Gems! Narissa broke into the Storerooms of Olympus and stole the Divine Coral, Moonstone, Opal, Amber, Cornelian, Diamond, Sapphire, Topaz, which she threw over the Rocky Prominitory, and saved the Divine Emerald and Amethyst as souvenirs, actions which hailed her as a living legend amongst thieves and incited Olympus to retaliation.
Midwinter 1142. Necromancers Guild reopened by request of Genesis, god of Time.
Paglost 1142. Sebastian, Keeper of the Scrolls introduced to Avalon.
Hindyear 1147 Thieves Guild opens Former Bandit Plaman breaks away from the Bandits guild to form the Thieves Guild, loyal to the city of Thakria.
Cloudburst 1148 Temple pilfered! Nostradamus brands the paladin Finbar a 'dead man walking' for the theft of priceless possessions within his inner sanctum. The branding sparks fire between the gods of darkness and his nemesis, Apollo, the god of Light. It was whispered at the time that Nostradamus planted roots in the forests.
c. 1149 The Sceptre of the Night Competition for the Sceptre of the Night begins after the Loremasters magick it from the guildhouse of the Paladins.
Cloudburst 1151 Avalonians find after their daily exertions they are now unusually thirsty.
Midwinter 1152 Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter returns to Avalon.
Midsummer 1154 [Jan 06] Necromancers Guild closed by Divine Mandate.
Ilmarael 1154 Battle for Eleusis Thakria and Mercinae battle for control over the village of Eleusis, wails are heard throughout the walls of Mercinae for the 4000 men who died in the futile attempt to seize control.
Leaflost 1154 Genesis introduces a protective death-sheen aura for those recently deceased.
Cloudburst 1157 Diocletian, First Mariner of Parrius and Eloire, Princess of Springdale, sign a 15-year peace treaty returning the forest and river territory around Callieton to Parrius' control and mutual non-interference with pacifist comms activities.
Hindyear 1161 [Apr 06] Stabling introduced to allow loyal steeds a safe place to rest while their owners are absent from the lands.
Eleuthral 1162 Divine patrons can once again be appointed by cities. Cardinals return as a position in city government.
Hindyear 1166 First-ever Black Pirate Tournament encourages Parrian civic pride in a contest of arms amongst their peers.
Eleuthral 1167 Character descriptions implemented in Avalon. Now we can all see what we look like a little bit clearer.
Paglost 1180 [Feb 07] Guild apprenticeships now have a badge system to guide new members on their journey to becoming full guild membership.
Agamnion 1184 [Apr 07] Azrili fields declared property of the Animists guild, by agreement of the four cities of Avalon. Contentions from minor towns made.
Springflower 1188 Fatalus purchases the village of Oakwood's End.
Midwinter 1194. [Sep 07] The great Dragon of Sapience wakens to destroy crops, steal commodities for its treasure cave, and darken the skies in flight.
Midsummer 1194 [Sep 07] Within the forests of Avalon, a new faction of forest dwellers emerges, the Druids.
Mournsend 1199 [Nov 07] 'Divine Globes of Avalon' become active in the four cities of Avalon.
Leaflost 1200 [Dec 07] The 1st Centennial Women of Avalon Calendar is released by Don Tukar of Knightswood.
Paglost 1202 [Jan 08] Guild leaders are now able to define their ideals and reputations.
Mournsend 1203 [Jan 08] Divine Ordination of Loki, god of Fire, from the mortal, Kodiak. Tyranis, the god of War is appointed from the mortal, Zenichiro.
Midsummer 1204 [Feb 08] Well-being is now impacted by a proper diet. Desserts included.
Paglost 1205 [Feb 08] For the first time in Avalon's history, the Great Library of Alessandria is fully opened, welcoming scholars and all who wish to learn and explore the powers of the golden isle.
Springflower 1214 The village of Knightswood is purchased by Don Tukar for the princely sum of 3M, and will see major expansions under new leadership.
Eleuthral 1215 [Jul 08] Madam Qey opens an inn and brothel at the docklands of Mercinae to some controversy.
Mournsend 1215 [Jul 08] Loremasters around Avalon discover that 'distilling' essence vastly improves batches of potions.
Cloudburst 1215 [Jul 08] Avalon server migration
Midsummer 1221 [Oct 08] Mining, ores and related construction restored to Avalon.
Hindyear 1222 [Nov 08] Expansion of land's capacity to enable the use of trenches, towers and tunnels in future warfare.
Midsummer 1227 [Jan 09] Farmers are guided in the care and keeping of pastoral creatures, an addition to address the lack of mounts, and leather and wool shortages.
Mournsend 1230 [Mar 09] Parrius and Springdale declare 10-year SOI treaty defining the lesser waterways of Timmin, Callieton, and Lake Thrullmere as natural boundaries between the cities, in preparation for warfare being restored.
Skyelong 1238 [Jul 09] Mercinae and Parrius sign 25-year treaty by right of conquest, Parrius gains SOI on highway and eastern gate of Mercinae. For the duration of the treaty, the City of Mercinae is henceforth known as Mercinae, City of the Phoenix, and its flag is changed to a phoenix in flight.
Eleuthral 1247 [11-Nov 09] Avalon's 20th Anniversary
Mournsend 1249 [Dec 09] Divine Ordination of Aethon, the Sun-God, from the mortal, Edgtho.
Leaflost 1249 Telemachus and Thanatos, deities from across the sea of time, discard their realms of justice and darkness (respectively) choosing instead the realms of Wisdom and Death, and gain full stature in the pantheon of Olympus.
Midwinter 1252 [Jan 10] Realmpowers and the Faer Battleground introduced to Avalon.
1265 [Aug 10] In the interests of peace, a 25-year treaty (lasting until 1290) is signed between the Councils of Mercinae and Parrius. In the same year, Thakria and Mercinae sign a ceasefire treaty, and assume control of all lands from Thakria to Mercinae's northern gate.
Midwinter 1262 [Jun 10] Genesis formalizes the AFFAIRS and TRIBUTES related to warfare.
Leaflost 1268 [Oct 10] Springdale razed and its existence as a city purged from the land. In a treaty between Thakria and former Springdale, terms are outlined for the creation of a new city in its place, Silverfalls. The landscape of the continent is permanently changed. In a curious coincidence, the hunchback who ran the historic wolfhound races moved his entire operation to behind Thakrian walls around the same time.
Paglost 1280 [Mar 11] Common laborers and farmers discover the benefits of working in groups. Whistling, humming or singing while you work does not improve the quality of the output.
Springflower 1281 [Apr 11] After the historic bonds between city and guild began to be estranged, the Bards guild re-located to the city of Knightswood, and opened an additional chapterhouse in Parrius. Failing years of negotations, the move is finalized by the city of Mercinae's reallocation of the bards' former chapterhouse for the Wizards guild. Smithies across Avalon's villages expand their wares to include templates for the crafting skillset.
Cloudburst 1290 [Aug 11] Eleusis, after 136 years of being under Thakrian control, is liberated by the city of Parrius with a force of 30,000 troops, and given their independence.
Eleuthral 1291 [Sep 11] Parrius and Mercinae renew former treaty for an additional 10 years, until 1300.
18th of Eleuthral 1293 [Oct 11] The City of Silverfalls is declared a city in full by divine mandate, having fulfilled all requirements for city status. This action ends the armistice treaty between Silverfalls and Thakria.
Paglost 1298 Elmak is granted citizenship of Gant by merit and wit, and learns some of the secrets of the fabled city.
Midsummer 1298 [Nov 11] Divine Appointment of Ashvani, goddess of the moon from the mortal Chasity. Sulisia, goddess of light is ordained, taking over the realm historically held by Apollo, the god of light.
Midwinter 1300 [Jan 12] The 2nd Centennial Women of Avalon Calendar is released by Don Tukar of Knightswood.
Midsummer 1305 [Apr 12] The Templars Guild, born from the ashes of the Paladins Guild, is opened in the young city of Silverfalls.
Midwinter 1309 [May 12] Ceasefire between Silverfalls and Parrius, of note is that 'huorns' were prior used in SOI warfare.
Cloudburst 1316 [Sep 12] The State Ministry's role is restructured to now be responsible for CIVIC SERVICES, to address the former overlap of roles between State and Trade.
1326 [Feb 13] Andromeda, goddess of dreams, is inhabited by the spirit of a mortal, for a time.
Hindyear 1328 [Mar 13] Sulisia, goddess of light, embraces a new realm which more closely identifies with her ideals, becoming Sulisia, goddess of revelation.
Mournsend 1341 [Sep 13] Ashvani, goddess of the moon, gives birth to Fyuree (a mortal girl) and divine offspring, Validar and identical twin, Elodin. The children are fathered by Aldaron, the god of Life.
Springflower 1346 [Dec 13] Sponsorship system activated to make subscription gifts based on merit/potential/historical worth possible.
Midwinter 1352 [Mar 14] Sulisia, the goddess of revelation, retracts her divine status to embrace a mortal once more, taking the form of Orielle.
Springflower 1352 [Mar 14] Sebastian, keeper of the scrolls, renounces his Omnipotent status to become available as a patron in the lands and claims the realm of prophecy.
Eleuthral 1354 [Apr 14] The earth trembles as Cornelius, the god of magic, declares an edict and a warning across the land: ""New blood, old blood, blood remixed and tainted, shining night and bright night twixt Magic blend. The Old Ways I wake and will defend!"
Skyelong 1354 www.Meetplace.net created as a communication site for Avalon down-times, private groups, character diaries, and other features.
Eleuthral 1361 [Aug 14] Andromeda, goddess of dreams, after losing patronage of Silverfalls, is struck down by Ashvani, goddess of the moon, and the mortal spirit cast from the deity back to her original forms. The avatar of Andromeda is returned to Olympus, until the true soul of Andromeda returns to re-awaken dreams in Avalon.
Ilmarael 1363 [Oct 14] Genesis announces there will be a High God Appointment, pending ratification by Olympus, where the realm of Earth will be claimed for the first time in history. Elmak claims the earth realm and ascends to become Sylvanus, the god of the earth.
[Oct-Nov 14] Avalon's 25th Anniversary