Four major cities grace the Avalonian continent, larger by far than any of the villages or towns. This urban foursome is formed out of the royal cities of Mercinae, Thakria, Silverfalls and Parrius. The cities are guarded by mighty gates which are often closed during times of crisis to prevent intruders or invasion. The cities (and indeed some of the towns and villages) possess a potent military to defend their interiors - if you, for some reason, find yourself an enemy of one of the great cities, you should take great care when entering their walls or you may find yourself attacked and slain by its avenging troops. Ultimate responsibility for the military and for opening and shutting the city gates lies with the leaders of the city.
Mercinae lies under the patronage of the god of light, and is a city devoted to stern morality and honour. Their governing Barons have remained essentially peaceful and yet reflective of Mercinae's greatest strength - the ability to fight like lions when pushed into a test of its morality. Mercinae plays host to all the Gods, bar those that would bring darkness upon them. It is built around the banks of the river Leithe and its main park, known as Park Elienna, pin-points its centre with its glorious expanse of unspoilt woodland. Mercinae has its life-long enemies, however, and as a precautionary measure it has erected an impenetrable wall around its entire body, accessible only from its eastern and northern gates.
Thakria stands proudly on the banks of the Moonstone Lake, in the far northwest of the continent, under the royal command of Emperor Periam. It thrives gleefully on both scrupulous trade and less-than-honest plunder from all around. It boasts fabulous architectural edifices and its lakeside promenade, whose high-class establishments offer expensive goods to those that can afford them. Thakria however can only be approached by the dangerous route past the Goblin City and the Darkened Forests. Nonetheless it remains a magnet for those that seek to dominate, and those that lust after the knowledge which brings power.
Parrius is a cityport that lies on the far-eastern shores of the continent. It is a great economic power and strongly militaristic. Its citizens are fiercely loyal to Parrian independence. A strong sea-faring tradition made the goddess of the sea Parrius' first patron, though its monarchic figurehead is Lady Augustine, daughter of the First Mariner. Parrius' primary concern is its trading and indeed it is centred around large dockyards, thriving on the constant sea voyages that its citizens undertake. Parrius draws to it the explorers, the brave-hearted adventurers who will risk all for the sake of glory and broadening of knowledge. It is approached from the long but relatively safe eastern road from Mercinae.
The city of Silverfalls, on the north central plains, rose from the ashes of the ruined Springdale (after its destruction by the Thakrian hordes). It is built spanning the River Silverlight and some of the city, indeed, is said to have been wrought in the caves behind the river's most northerly waterfall. Silverfalls has tended to welcome a diverse range of alignments since its founding and respects the combative over the pacifist, unless that pacifist expresses his or her competitive spirit in some other fashion. It is no city for wall-flowers, as they say.