The more kind-hearted deities set in motion an annually judged contest open to all those of a pacifist inclination, in the year 956. All quests and experience-worthy undertakings will contribute to an overall score at the end of the year. Your score is matched against the totals achieved by the other pacifists in the land and at the New Year you will receive a ranking relative to the others for that twelve month period. The highest ranking individuals will be recorded on the Pacifists section of the bulletin board and the mortal atop this quest league will be able to claim praise from his or her peers and often a divine gift.
Type QUESTLEAGUE to view the current highest ranked mortals, or QUESTLEAGUE followed by a ranking number to review those lower down the list. The quest contest is open only to those who have fully embraced pacifism and, it is hoped, will be played in the best and most generous of spirits.