The Tournament takes place between individuals, in the form of a number of combat contests. All competitors are drawn against one another in single combat, the winner of each contest being the one to slay their opponent to ghost-form. The winner advances to the next round, the loser is out. The Tournament continues until only one individual is left, and he or she is the Victor. Type COMPETITORS while in a tournament to see who is competing, CONTESTS to see the current contest draw, and LEAGUE to see an overall list of those who have competed, and their scores.
Points are gained and lost during tournaments. You lose 1 point for being defeated, plus a point per point of difference in rating, if the slayer is of lesser rating than the slain. You gain 1 point for every victory, plus whatever the rating of the slain individual. Surviving to the Quarter-Final stage gives 5 extra points. Surviving to the Semi-Final stage gives 5 extra points. Making your way into the Final Contest gives 5 extra points. Winning the entire tournament gives a bonus of 10 points.
Ratings are bestowed on players by the Gods alone, and are given to indicate overall combat prowess.