There are many sections or forums within the bulletin board, some public, some restricted to members of a certain city or guild or other distinct group. You select a section to read or contribute your own posts when inside the bulletin board by typing SECTION followed by its name, e..g.. SECTION CITY to enter the forum solely for citizens of your homeland city. Sometimes a section will be protected by a password, to keep away prying/inappropriate eyes and entering these sections require you to include the password when you type SECTION CITY, e..g. SECTION CITY APPLETREE if the city's password is 'appletree'. Without the password you will be denied entry.
Passwords for specific bulletin board sections are set (or cleared) by the Prince or the Guildmaster using the PASSWORD CITY or PASSWORD GUILD command.
To set a bulletin board section password you type PASSWORD CITY/GUILD followed by the password you wish to use. To clear a password and thereby make the forum public access (fellow citizens, fellow guildmembers and all deities) type PASSWORD CITY/GUILD CLEAR.
You will only be able to issue the PASSWORD command in certain 'privacy' locations. These can be identified when you see 'there is a distinct feeling of privacy' as part of a location's verbose description. Entering the PASSWORD command will automatically shield you from any prying eyes, divine or otherwise, and you will be notified of this protection - also given to those entering bulletin board forums with an active password. It is extremely important that those charged with the responsibility of setting the password, if one is used, notify all those for whom access is to be allowed. See HELP MESSAGES for information on notifying others, including mass messaging for quicker group communication.