Avalon has a quiz-system which enables mortals or Gods to organise and run quizzes. In order to initiate a quiz without divine aid, you will need ten individuals to go to the Meeting Place and ring the bell there.
Syntax: RING BELL at the Meeting Place.
The ten ringers, if in quick enough succession will open the door of knowledge portal out of the Avalon continent into the Chamber of Knowledge.
Syntax: ENTER DOOR at Meeting Place once door of knowledge arrives.
After having entered the portal, a Quiz Master must be nominated - this is done by securing a unanimous nomination with four or more voters.
Syntax: NOMINATE <quizmaster>.
Use the NOMINATE command to do this. From there on in, it is up to the Quiz Master to declare rules and manage proceedings.
The chosen Master of the Quiz will be able to use HELP QUIZMASTER to take proceedings from this point, to completion.
Syntax: QUIZ.
Just type QUIZ join an open quiz currently underway.
SCOREBOARD/SB To review the current score board.
REPEAT To repeat the current question.
ANSWER/AN <text> To give an answer secretly to Quiz Master only.
RULES To view the Rules of the current Quiz.
QUIZWHO Lists the competitors and audience in this Quiz Room.
AUDIENCE List only the audience.
Most Quizzes bestow some prize on the winner and high-placing competitors. See HELP QUIZTYPES for info on the two main varities of quiz - the "pot" and the "event" quiz format.
Type PARTICIPANTS QUIZ to see those signed up for a forthcoming QUIZ competition and RULES QUIZ to review its specific rules. This is used for quizzes scheduled in the near future rather than those brought about spontaneously by bell ringing.