The hip flask in Avalon is not only a way to conceal a wee drop of the 'good stuff' but also a way to distill herb and poison infusions into efficient, concentrated and easily portable remedy sources. Hip flasks weigh much less than tankards or buckets, store easily, never lose their liquid content and the concentrated 'doses available' can reach 1000 rather than merely ten-per-herb in other unreliable containers.
Syntax: BUY <alcoholic beverage> e..g. BUY WHISKY.
Holding your empty flask, visit one of the inns or taverns and buy a tot of one of the alcoholic drinks for sale. Whisky, rum, brandy, garonbrew or corneliusfolly are favoured. This will provide you with a flask full of alcohol into which you then...
Syntax: FLASK <herb/poison>.
And the prepared herb or poison is placed into the booze-mixture. You now have a simple hip flask of herb/poison ready to deliver a dose each time you DRINK from it. This much is the same as any container.
The difference with flasks is the effect of time passing. The above should be thought of as DAY ONE. Come the next day you will find you can again...
Syntax: FLASK <herb/poison>.
The second prepared herb or poison goes into the flask and ten doses is now twenty. Wait another day and things begin to get useful. DAY THREE and the FLASK usage takes the doses in your hip flask from 20 to 40. DAY FOUR and the self-same herb or poison via FLASK would dose 40 to 80. DAY FIVE and we have 80 to 160, DAY SIX and you will need to BUY <alcoholic drink> again to refill your flask but the herb/poison will dose up from 160 to 320. The seventh day is a wonderful day. It is the penultimate flask preparation and the FLASK <herb/poison> brings doses from 320 to 640.
Syntax: FILL FLASK WITH <non alcoholic liquid>.
The final stage of your flask preparation is the addition of some non-alcoholic liquid like plain old water. This will complete the mixture and allow you to...
Syntax: FLASK <final herb/poison>.
Adding the eighth prepared herb or poison in the fully distilling flask and you will increase the concentration from 640 to a full one thousand doses of the herb/poison.
Syntax: DRINK FLASK### or DRINK <herb/poison>.
You need to use one of these two DRINK syntaxes to imbibe some of the distilled flask-liquid and get the benefit / effect of the herb or poison infused within. Each DRINK is a single dose. You do not have to think about refilling the flask until doses remaining dips below 640 - at which point, just repeat the final phase described above to bring the flask back to a full thousand.
Syntax: FLASKS.
Shows you all the flasks in your inventory tree along with herb/poison infused, doses available and alcoholic plus non-alcoholic liquid blend. This command also tells you when you need to think about a quick top-up to keep the infusion close as possible to full thousand strength.
Flasks are crafted using Labours skills and sold in any good outfitting store. See HELP CONTAINERS, HELP BREWING, HELP HERBALISM, HELP HERBS and HELP POISONS for related content.