Breathing and bleeding are more likely to be considered in the moment of heated combat or while travelling quickly about the land as it tends to be linked to over-exertion. Should you dash about the land too quickly, your character will soon begin to lose its breath, involving a marginal loss of health. Carrying on beyond your physical limit will only make your breathing more difficult and will begin to incapacitate you somewhat - soon you will find that you are tripping over yourself in your hurry. All that is required is a moment's rest so that you may catch your breath.
Alternatively, purchase a horse or mule and, having mounted it, ride in whichever direction you choose. Not only does this remove any problems with your breathing, it provides a useful form of defence, since a mounted target is more difficult to attack than a walking one.
There are certain herbs and potions able to give you greater control over your breath and/or allow fast movement without running out of breath. There is also the HOLD BREATH command available as an ability (check your SKILLS and abilities in each skill to see if you have it). Holding your breath can have life-saving benefits under the right conditions.