The Cavaliers Guild is fiercely loyal to the city of Thakria, expressly formed and managed to breed aggressive competent fighters to defend the city and marshall its armies.
Founded on the 23rd of Ilmarael 855 by Palin, the Cavaliers are located in Thakria. They have the profession of Knight and the guild alignment of Neutral
The Knight is a physical combatant. He or she is concerned with the study of physical prowess (weapons, melee, swordplay, endurance) rather than over the airy magical realms. Consider the Knight profession if you are fast, quick-witted or aggressive, but keen to keep simple and effective. They are strong in combat both offensively and defensively though rely on good maintenance of weapons, armour and equipment.
The Cavaliers Guild found their home in the city of Thakria after they split with the Knights. Cavaliers, while still maintaining their firm belief in the ideals of justice and honour in battle, adopt a more direct and dominating stance than their brothers in Mercinae. A Cavalier would rather rule well by decree than inefficiently by democracy. Thus, despite their similarities, the Cavaliers have not remained on friendly terms with the Knights Guild. Cavaliers consider Knights as weaker folk, dominated by the magic users. Cavaliers are renowned the world over for their resilience in battle and their strength of character. You should not consider joining their ranks unless you feel you are up to the challenge of standing head and shoulders above the crowd in open defiance of your enemies.
The Cavaliers are indomitable, honourable, aggressive, well-trained and focussed. They never surrender, they never offer quarter. The guild was founded to lead Thakria's expansion about the land.
On the 15th day of Cloudburst, 1444 years since the Divine War Thakrian Elder and Baron
Evil Aerian took up the mantle of Guildmaster.
The Cavaliers Guild is fiercely loyal to the City of Thakria, expressly formed and managed
to breed aggressive fighters to slay Mercinaens and defend the city of Thakria and often
commanding the Thakrian armies.
Founded on the 23rd of Ilmarael 855 by Palin, the Cavaliers are located in Thakria.
They have the profession of Knight and the guild alignment is Evil.
You should not consider joining their ranks unless you feel you are up to the challenge of
standing head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd in open defiance of your enemies.
The guild patron is Xanthe, goddess of Vengeance.
This Cavalier skill is based on physical and mental control to endure the rigours of your physical life.
This is a dual skill - it is your skill at Forging and your ability to use and fashion bows.
A combination skill, consisting of abilities for the Knightly profession, primarily the art of poison lore and trapping.
This is the general ability in weapons, armour and combat.
From the centre of Thakria square head east to the western end of Emperor's Walk. From there the Cavaliers guildhouse is to the south.